I snack ALOT, i guess everyone to reads this space knows! HAHA! I don't take a lot of carbo to exchange in snacks i guess. Unhealthy i know, i can't help it!!!!!
Okay, pictures from last weekend!

On the way out! Pictures outside my door.

Zonia with the hoodie i got her for Christmas!

I seem to look super doper happy in my dress! HAHA!

Indulgence after lunch.
Walked Vivo after ice cream, like 3 hours! Spent loads of time at Daiso! I really enjoy seeing the interesting products they carry!!!
And, after today, i got myself more accessories. Like more than 10 pieces of hair accessories.
Guess where it was this time for dinner! (:

Crave for Phat Thai!!!

Food!!!!! (:
The main course is always so generously huge, i only can finish half the plate! The Soft Shell Crabs are considerable tiny but super delicious!
Walked Giant for Yakult, fusilli and carbonara sauce! Wanna make pasta for Dad coming week!! He doesnt like tomato base! (:
Which is your preferred Pasta base?
Mine is Tomato with tons, TONS OF CHEESEEEEEEEE! (:
Which is your preferred Pasta base?
Mine is Tomato with tons, TONS OF CHEESEEEEEEEE! (:
Headed back home after walking around aimlessly.
2 new dresses in this post to share!
Here's one more! (:

2nd time i bought from this blogshop. They are prompt in their service, delivery wasnt a problem at all. I got my items w/o much wait!
I hate buying clothes online, with the need of waiting and checking my mailbox everyday! Pisses me off and when my item comes, i dont like it as much anymore!
I hate buying clothes online, with the need of waiting and checking my mailbox everyday! Pisses me off and when my item comes, i dont like it as much anymore!

Dress can be worn as a top too! (:
And i recorded another song. HAHAHAHAHA!
Round neck jewel dress
Halter chain top: http://www.thedesignclosets.com
Please email zoeraymond@live.com if you would like to be featured here (:
Round neck jewel dress
Halter chain top: http://www.thedesignclosets.com
Please email zoeraymond@live.com if you would like to be featured here (:
May I know where you get the hoodie, that you get for zonia, from? It's very nice :D
love both black dresses:) gorgeous >.<
another nice song and nice voice;)
hi zoe, whos the guy that always appear on your blog but nvr show face? you bf?? haha..
may i know where you bought the checkered dress in the post - Ettusais results! ?
Dont think u are underweight.you look quite plump actually.yeah and mayb you should cut down on having snacks.it makes us fat!
Anonymous said...
May I know where you get the hoodie, that you get for zonia, from? It's very nice :D
♥ ZOE R: Hello! I got it from FOX! I have 1 toooo!!! HEHE! (:
Oliver said...
love both black dresses:) gorgeous >.<
another nice song and nice voice;)
♥ ZOE R: HEHE! Hi Oliver! Thanks!!! (:
Anonymous said...
hi zoe, whos the guy that always appear on your blog but nvr show face? you bf?? haha..
♥ ZOE R: Wink* (:
Anonymous said...
hi, may i know where you bought the checkered dress in the post - Ettusais results! ?
♥ ZOE R: Hello! I got the dress from Forever 21 US (:
Anonymous said...
Dont think u are underweight.you look quite plump actually.yeah and mayb you should cut down on having snacks.it makes us fat!
♥ ZOE R: I didnt think i was underweight too! But the doc said so? Why not you count the body mass for 44Kg and 162, and tell me? And it is Underweight BODY MASS(:
And i love snacking, i doubt i can stop!!! (:
some people just have lighter bones and frame! but whoever who said you look plump must really have some problem.
i am sure you will look great even if you gain a few. nothing looks and feel better than being healthy! (:
Hi dear, may i I know the name of ur Burberry bag? N hw much?
Anonymous said...
some people just have lighter bones and frame! but whoever who said you look plump must really have some problem.
i am sure you will look great even if you gain a few. nothing looks and feel better than being healthy! (:
♥ ZOE R: Hey yo! Thats really sweet! (: I'm fine with all comments so i dont really screen thru before allowing it up like other blogs.
Anonymous said...
Hi dear, may i I know the name of ur Burberry bag? N hw much?
♥ ZOE R: Hey there! I dont have the name of it. But its a classic collection? I think its about $800? (:
you look good! dun worry bout the negative comments ;)
where did you get the round neck jewel dress from?
ur video turns me and my friends off. so fake and stop acting cute. Yikessssssss
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