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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

ZLG- Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm

Hello! Be it a schooling or working lady, you would need a lip balm. It's become a necessity for me these few years. Before I sleep every night I would apply a generous bit and I carry on in my pouch every day for the office's air con sometimes dry up my lips! Chapped lips are not pretty so here's lip balms for August ZLG for you! 

I've promised you this cute little Chupa Chups lip balm which is very useful for just any girl. I am very happy to say that have THREE Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balms for this month's ZLG! (:

photo 1 (7)
Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balms Courtesy of Mandom Corp!

If you like this month's ZLG....

Simply leave a comment with:
1. Name
2. Email Address
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?

Please do not submit multiple entries and ZLG closes on the 1st of September 2012 at 2359.

Just like the past ZLGs, I will contact the winners via email! Here's wishing you a good weekend ahead! (:

Should you be are interested to be collaborate for monthly giveaways, do drop an email to for advertising rates (:

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Unknown said...
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xiner - the piggg! said...

Xin Er
I always have dry lips and sometimes i have the habit of tearing the dry skin off and always leads to bleeding! :( So really hope i can win this so i won't have dry lips anymore :) Thanks for organising this contest!!! ^^

Anonymous said...

hi zoe :) may i ask is it possible to purchase this item anywhere? thanks!

Pingping said...
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Amanda said...

Email Add:

Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm: I wanna moisturize my lips every day and night just like you do. Also, the packaging of this Lip Balm is so cute and I'll be very happy to win this! :)

marilyn said...

Marilyn Lim
I want to have Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm so that i can have a pretty lips like urs! (:

cheers !

Sheena said...

Hi!! These are the details!

1. Name : Sheena Ho
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? : My lips have always been very dry and chappy. I hate the lines on my lips n i have tried many other lip balms but they dont work so i desperately want try this chupa chup lipbalm! :(((
Hope i win this giveaway! :)
Thanks for the freq ZLG! :))

Anonymous said...

1. Ruzi
3. My lips are often chapped, I want to bring one to school to make it a habit to use it more frequently!

Anonymous said...

1. Name: Yu Ling
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? I'm going for my overseas school trip this coming september & I really need to search for something that helps moisturise my lips! But as you know, lipbalms are really expensive in stores in singapore, and i tend to buy useless ones that couldn't help in my chapped lips! just then, you conducted the giveaway!! and yayy i hope i have a chance to get to try thisss! :D

Anonymous said...

1. Name: tingyi

2. Email Address:

3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? it too cute to resist and i wanna try this out as i love chupa chups!

Anonymous said...

Name : vivian goh xiang lih

Email Address :

Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?:

I want this because a kiss is a special thing and having this lip balm on makes my lips special :)

Victoria said...

Name : Victoria
Email :
I want this lip balm as I have really dry lips and the packaging of it is soooo cute ! xD
Hope i can win it ^^ xx.

babilicioustingting said...

Wendy Lee
I want this chupa chups kiss me lip balm because I m working in a mad cold office n I believe this lip balm will work for me.... I want to have kissable lips everywhere I am....:)) <3 n I believe all girls wanna have the sexiest lip which is damn alluring...

Wan kee said...

Name: Wan Kee
Reason: It looks small and cute, convenient to bring along wherever I go. I am a fan Chupa Chups lollipop. Also, I love lip balms as it moisturize my lips efficiently. I have been trying out many brands. Hope I get to have one of these too! :D

Rebekah said...

1. Rebekah

3. I wish to win this lipbalm to try out as i always have chapped lips , which makes it hard for me to apply lipsticks and lipbalms as it'll show badly .

Thanks Zoe for holding this giveaway <3

shilingness said...

1. Teo Shi Ling
3. i would like to get this lipbalm because i use lipbalms daily to avoid dry and chapped lips and it would be absolutely great (if i receive this) to add this unique lipbalm into my daily routine of applying it! Thanks so much for this giveaway! (:

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe,
Not sure whether you made a typo error as it states that the giveaway ends on the 13st August? I think you meant 31st August instead.
1. Name: Desiree
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? I've never seen or tried this lip balm before. Furthermore, the packaging is so small which means that it can fit into a small purse. I have mild dry lips, and I tend to bite my lips. I've tried a few lip balm, but the results isn't very good so I'd like to try the Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm.

Thank you for this giveaway!:)

Anonymous said...

1. Nhi
3. I have always loved eating the lollipops and think it would be just as enjoyable as a lip balm!

Anonymous said...

1. Name : Samantha Chan
2. Email Address :
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
I never had the habit of using a lip balm and recently my lips is very dry. I would like to start using again. The chupa chips kiss me lip balm is just too cute to resist as well.

Serene Neo said...

(Sorry, I'm not sure if my previous comment got through because I encountered errors when I submitted)

Hi Zoe!

1. Serene Neo
3. I want to get Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balms to achieve luscious lips like yours! :D

Thank you!

Anonymous said...


I want those cause who can resist cute lip blam! Plus chapped lips are not nice :)

limin said...

1. Name: limin
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? To have soft, kissable lips like yours!:)

ps: zoe! love your ZLG:)
pps: your ZLG closing date needs a change!

Anonymous said...


1) Name : Deborah Wong
2) E-mail Address:
3) I want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm to help me get rid of my chapped lips and shine them out ^^ Hope I could win it! (:

P/s: Did you type a little error on this blog post saying the giveaway closes on 13st of August ? It should be 31st right? /: Please don't scare me!! Haha(: Anyway, Thanks for the monthly awesome giveaways! <3

Sharmaine said...

1) Sharmaine
3) I want the chupa chups kiss me lip balm because it looks cute :D

Anonymous said...

Name: Vivien

Email Address:

Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm: Personally loved to eat Chupa Chups! With the taste of Chupa Chups on my lips with the moisturing feel on my dry lips make a wonders! ^^

Benda said...

Name: Benda
Reason: All other lip balms are really boring and uninteresting. The chupa chups ones have interesting look and taste, and this will make applying lip balm more interesting and less of a hassle! :)

secretcoded said...

3. I would love to have a Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm because I always need one to moisturise my lips especially in the office, and I secretly want to taste this in strawberry cream.

Thanks Zoe! :)

Adeline said...

1. Name: Adeline Kuang
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? I have never own a lipbalm before and would really want one! :)

Anonymous said...

Name: YanLing

Email Address:

Reason: Because those Chupa Chups lipbams looks cute! & my lips do cracked pretty often! :)

Anonymous said...

Name: YanLing

Email Address:

Reason: Because those Chupa Chups lipbams looks cute! & my lips do cracked pretty often! :)

rachel said...

1. Rachel
3. i would like my lips to be kissable for my upcoming anniversary with my hubby :)

Anonymous said...

Name: Jessilyn
Email Address:
Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? : hope to win it for my cousin as she always has cracked lips ):

Jaxine said...

1. Name: Jaxine

2. Email Address:

3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?: I've always love chupa chups and i'm sure i'd love this lip balm's smell! I also have chapped lips which are in need of some rescuing so hopefully this lip balm will come in handy =)

Thanks for having ZLG!!

Anonymous said...

Name: Jerin Soh
Email Address:
Reason: Hi Zoe, I would like to have this lip balm as my lips is also very dry & chapped no matter how much lip balm I apply. I apply them daily & just like you, before I go to bed. I even have lip balms at home, in my bag & office as well since they are a necessity to me. I can never live without one so would love to try different kinds! :D
By the way, thank you for having this giveaway! (:

josze said...


I'd love to try the chupa chups kill me lip balm!
chapped lips is not a big NO NO!

Anonymous said...

1. Shermain Hu
3. I would like this chupa chups kiss me lipbalm because i love lipbalms with flavour. Recently, the weather has been so hot and im also constantly under airconditioned conditions and thus my lips has been chapped and dry and affect my looks as which girl wouldnt want nice lips! thus, i would love to win this lipbalm!

Thank you for holding this giveaways! (:

Anonymous said...

Name: Shuning
Email Address:
Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?

i'm running out of lip balms every time!!

Anonymous said...

Name: Li Xuan
Why: My lips have always been dry and none of the products i've used seems to work! Thus i would like to win the chupa chups lip balm and try it out so see if it would work for me.

hazel said...

1. Hazel
3. It looks delicious! :D Haha but not just that, I guess I want it mainly because I hardly ever use lip balm and I want to try it out? :x I can never find a good enough one, and I stop using all the ones I bought after a few uses... so I go through everyday with cracked, ugly lips hehe. It's not just gross looking it's really painful too >< I just peeled off some dry skin earlier today and now there's a red stripe down my lip from where I peeled the skin off!
Would love to try this lip balm out, it must be good if you're giving it away! :p Hopefully it can get me into the habit of using lip balm so that my lips can stop suffering! Hehe <3 Thank you Zoe for considering and for holding this giveaway!

jerlyngan said...

Jerlyn Gan

Because Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm looks so cute & pink! Plus it reminds of Chupa Chups lollipops! Hehe.
I hope that I can win your giveaway so I can try this Lip Balm & say goodbye to chapped lips!! :)

Anonymous said...

1. Name: BI YAN CHUA
2. Email Address:
3. I always have cracked lips that it always bleed. I want to try this lip balm and improve my lips condition.

Anonymous said...

Name: Jia Yu
I love the moisterising and sweet smelling lip balm on my lip as i'm in the air-con room all day and my lip will get dry once in a while. I love eating chupa chups too! (:

Anonymous said...

1. Name Xin
2. Email Address
3. Coz my lips tend to get dry and peels easily and also, I hope my lips could be as lovely and as kissable like yours :)

Anonymous said...

1. Name : Tricia Sim
2. Email Address :
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? : Because i love licking chupa chups and if this is on my lips i will faint.

Tjm said...

1. Name: Jermaine
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
I want to have moist and pretty lips tooo!!!!! :)

Shari said...

- Shari
- I LOVE CHUPA CHUPS & I'm always troubled with chapped lips! No matter how nice my make up is, chapped lips always ruins it ); I HOPE I CAN WIN ONE & SALVAGE MY LIPS! X

Anonymous said...

1.Name: Nicole

2. Email Address:

3. I wanna be kissable and not having my boyfriend having to kiss a fish scale lips, which will totally spoil the romantic sweet atmosphere. Wanna have soft lips making myself to look much presentable looking! Definitely hope to try out this, since I have read up great reviews online!

Anonymous said...

1. WW
3. I have really dry lips especially when the weather is humid!! And i really hope to try out this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm ! (:

Anonymous said...

1. Amanda
3. I want to win this lip balm as my lip are always peeling!!! :( and i always have to urge to peel it... sometimes i will even do it unknowingly .. and my lip will end up sore and sometimes even bleeding.. really hope i can win this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm as i believe it will come in handy for me !

Anonymous said...

1. Name: Eileen
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
i love lip balms~love the exciting scents and how well it protects my lips. bless me with more days with smooth and pretty lips, and giveaway one of the lip balm to me, zoe!

Anonymous said...

I want it cause I've been lookin for some good lip balms and I wanna try it to see if that is really that good for my lips, and it doesnt cost anythin leaving this message ;) so iss ok right?

Anonymous said...

3. to have sexy lips!!

XUETING said...


It reminded me of secondary school days, whereby I will carry a big pack of lolipop to school. Ridiculously, we challenged each other to see who has the ability to finish that lolipop first. Those were the good old days.

coldkohmew said...

1. Jas
3. So that i will not complain of pain due to dry lips and have to keep drinking water.

Jaslin said...

1. Name: Jaslin
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups lip balm?

Answer: I want to try to win this lip balm because I've always have dry & cracked lips & it looks hideous when lipstick is applied on! There are so many creases on it so I hope this lip balm would help me achieve pretty pouty & healthy looking lips! :-) also it looks so cute & I'm sure it'll work well too! Thank you! ^-^

Unknown said...

Name: Madeline Chew
Email Address:
Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
i want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm because I have chapped lips and I want to have a pretty lips like Zoe!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

1. Si Hui
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
Cause my lips are peeeling so badly!!! :((

Anonymous said...

1. Name: Rebecca Goh
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm? Coz i want to have nice lips like yours! Heard a lot about the lip balm and i wanted to try it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe:) I hope to win the chupa chups lip balm
Name: Hui Ting
I hope that I can win the chupa chups kiss me lip balm cause I have dry lips and need to apply everyday before I sleep. I tried a lot of flavoured lip balms like cherry and green apple of other brands but not the chupa chups ones yet and would love to try it cause it seems so delicious! Thank you Zoe!
Hui Ting

Yi Hui said...

Name: Yi Hui

As i'm wondering does the lip balm tastes like chupa chups lollipop?? :D Love them since young and i wanna have kissable lips too hehe

carMen said...

1) carMen
3) The Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm's so portable & mini, just the right accessory to pop along when Im on the go, especially when the lips need a lil' hydrating pamper treatment! :)

Anonymous said...

1. Delia Huang
3. I get chapped lips easily and this cute little thing is so compact that it makes bringing it around effortless!

SAM said...

Samantha Wong
I want this lip balm cause it looks so unique from the normal ones and it sounds sweet too! It will be very good for my dry lips! (:

Unknown said...

Megan Yeong
The reason i want this lip balm is cuz i always have the habit of peeling my lips esp when is dry... So a lip balm wil keep it hydrated to prevent dryness

Unknown said...

1. Name: Carrie

2. Email Address:

3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?:
Because like you, working in a freezing office cause my lips to be super dry and the lip balms i am using doesn't seem to work :( Furthermore, who don't like a lollipop lip balm, looks good and tastes good. hehe!

Anonymous said...

1. Chermaine
3. Hi Zoe, i am a big fan of your blog :) Reading your braces entries has gave me the confidence to take the first step to gain a beautiful smile. Would like to have this lip-balm to moisture my lips.


Evelyn Cai said...

Hi zoe!

1. Name: Evelyn Cai
2. Email Address:
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?

Reasons: Used many different kinds of lip balm but it still doesn't works! My dry lips really got me very frustrated because my lip were rough and i tends to peel the dry skin off and it bleeds! it looks really ugly when i apply lipstick. Heard this Chupa Chups lip balm but had never try before. I hope to win this ZLG. I want a smooth and moisturized lips!

Anonymous said...

Lee Lian
My lips are always dry, I'm sure this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm will help to moisturise and prevent my lips from cracking! <3

Ada Cheah said...

1. Name: ADA CHEAH

2. Email Address:

3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?

I need a lip balm that is convenient to carry around! I rely on lipbalms heavily as I have very dry and chapped lips, despite drinking lots of water. And of course, my favourite 'flavour' is Strawberry! Can I have it to entice my hubby to kiss me more often? Hahaha.. =p

faddy said...


just want to add on that I enjoyed reading your blog. You've an infectious & positive spirit! Loved your family bonding posts too! Jia you K ;P

Name: Adeline Fang
Well, I've always looove Chupa Chups lollies so this lip balm will come in handy to me, esp when I am always on the move. It also helps that it came in a nice, girly little container.
My previous lip balm breaks coz it's in a stick form maybe coz I'm clumsy, so I guess this is nice for a change!(lip balm in a container)
Will be excited to try it! ;P


Anonymous said...

Name: Ying Ying
Why I want Chupa Chups Kiss me lip balm! : Firstly because i love lip balms! They smell so good and they moisturize our lips so well, and make them soft and glossy! I don't use lipstick or lip gloss because they are sticky and come off easily but I never fail to put lip balms! Some lip balms smell so good I am pretty tempted to eat it hehehe! Not to mention their pretty packaging!
I have not tried Chupa chups lip balm and would love to try it out! Also because I am curious if it really taste like Chupa Chups lollipops! AND THE PACKAGING IS SO ADORABLE,it totally won me over! I bet it smell really great!
I been your avid reader for over a year and even met you during one of your flea(didn't manage to get a picture though!) I reaaaaaaaally hope you can pick me because I have never won anything before and I really wanna try this lipbalm! So pick me maybe? *wink*

Have a lovely day and thank you for reading this chunk of words! (Y)
Ps,I LOVE YOUR FIGURE! I think it is so good and it's amazing how you maintain it so well! your legs are TO DIE FOR! I hope attend more events so I could take a picture with you! *fan girl mode*

Bye! *big wave!*

Anonymous said...

1. Name: Marine
2. Email Address :
3. Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
i feel that lip balm are essential in every girl's bag as not only do they cure chapped lips but it boost confidence and give assurance with shiny lips to brighten up their day <3

Anonymous said...

Shirley Ang
I would like to have this lip balm because it will be precious to see my boyfriend's reaction when he taste it as he kisses me! He's always grumbling about my lip glosses and balms :(

Anonymous said...

Name: Cheryl
Email Address:
Why do you want this Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm?
Its always important to keep your lips hydrated regardless of where you are. I want Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm because it is so compact and handy that if i were to head out without my make up pouch or with just a wristle i can still bring it with me wherever i go. :)

Anonymous said...

3. I want to win this lip balm because my lips is always so dry and it bleeds ╯﹏╰
Thankyou (;

Ashley Hee said...

Ashley Hee Siang Huey

I would love to have Chupa Chups Kiss Me Lip Balm because they're no longer available at market now and I love chupa chups and another reason is ; they're unique and I can never find them in my country, Brunei. (: will love to be one of the lucky ones to get the lil balm . Lotsa loves! x

Anonymous said...

1) Ng Yi Ling
3) I have extremely dry lips, and I don't really have much lip balm. And its really cool to be able to own a chupa chups ones! I can't find it anywhere in singapore! Its my birthday on 1 September, so I really wish I could win this! Thanks!! :)

Nicole said...

Nicole Toh

Hi zoe! I would love to win this lip balm because its hard to find it in stores now and it is in a very cute packaging. It's easy to carry around and it helps to moisturize our lips. What's more it's pink, every girl's favorite color! ^^ Thank you! xo