The Design Closets is back after a short break!
The owner is packed with exams that just ended late last week and yesterday we were on for a shoot to make this collection happen!
Once again, many goodies!
For the young and old! Laughs. I belong to the old! Actually i meant the working class! (:
Let the pictures awe you enough to keep logged onto your computer till launch, 8PM tonight!
Starting of with my favorite, of course!
Starting of with my favorite, of course!

Absolute favorite!

not forgetting the super comfy self manufactured stripy dress! (:

super tempted to keep this as well!

TDC manufactured this lovely tube tops!!!

Floral! I kept for my weekends!! (:

Another 2 keeps for work!

TDC manufactured this lovely tube tops!!!
Definitely a must buy! Very reasonable price tag!!

Floral! I kept for my weekends!! (:

Another 2 keeps for work!
I really like the grey one on the right. Available in 2 other colors, the black sash is included! So no fuss on which belt to go with it! The sleeves are love!

i kept this for work! (:
Another favorite cause the bottom never rides up! Really looks like a bandaged skirt suited for work! It comes in other colors like Pink, heather grey, blue! I was torn between light grey and dark grey!
So you seen the preview, do hang on till 8PM only at TDC tonight for the sizzling hot goodies! (:
P/s: Navigate to TDC's blog to see further preview pieces!
P/s: Navigate to TDC's blog to see further preview pieces!
hey i know with braces it's kinda hard to eat hard food but you look scarily skinny esp your face in these photos. no offence, eat more!
i agree! not very flattering with a frail looking face. miss your healthy look. pls take care ya. (:
i think it's just her face, cause her limbs are still meaty (not overly, but definitely not skinny). :)
meaty?? definitely not skinny??? oh my goodness. whats wrong with the ppl nowadays.
i say she is definitely skinny. but her face is worse. not her fault i know. but hopefully she realise it and know that there is a limit to how skinny can look good. (:
hi anonymous on the third floor, sorry i think i was abit harsh for the above comment, and i know what you are trying to mean. but i really meant well. (:
Hey Zoe, how do you know which bra cup size to order for VS bra when you haven't try wearing it before in the first place.
Anonymous said...
hey i know with braces it's kinda hard to eat hard food but you look scarily skinny esp your face in these photos. no offence, eat more!
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello! Haha! Bf totally said SEE SEE! When he saw these comments! Ive been eating as per usual already! But ive been sick last week, probably lost alil more! But actually the shoot made me look skinnier! You shall see the other posts soon! HEHE! (:
Thanks dear!
Anonymous said...
i agree! not very flattering with a frail looking face. miss your healthy look. pls take care ya. (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Thanks dear! I have been eating more regularly infact! Haha! Cause of the new job, we have breakfasts together! (:
I fell sick last week, so probably lost a lil there as well! (: Braces wasnt the issue! HEHE!
Anonymous said...
i think it's just her face, cause her limbs are still meaty (not overly, but definitely not skinny). :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Hello! Yes yes! I think so too! And also Probably cause i looked alil pale? (:
Note to self: Never use nude lip gloss during photo shoots cause of harsh lightings! HAHA!
Anonymous said...
meaty?? definitely not skinny??? oh my goodness. whats wrong with the ppl nowadays.
i say she is definitely skinny. but her face is worse. not her fault i know. but hopefully she realise it and know that there is a limit to how skinny can look good. (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey dear! Ive been eating very regularly actually! (: Prob cause i fell sick recently that i lost a lil! (: Bf has been nagging me as well, saying my face is getting even smaller!
Thanks for the concern (: (:
Anonymous said...
hi anonymous on the third floor, sorry i think i was abit harsh for the above comment, and i know what you are trying to mean. but i really meant well. (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Dont worry about it dear! (:
nat said...
Hey Zoe, how do you know which bra cup size to order for VS bra when you haven't try wearing it before in the first place.
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey! I bought a cup smaller? (: Like im a C70 but i get a B70. Cause ive tried bras at Marks n Spencer and such! So i reckon angmoh sizing is about there! AHAHAHA! (:
Just a rough gauge! Strapless bras are fine if they are abit smaller, but definitely not abit bigger! Air will fill the space which aint good!!!
hey how did u find ur current marketing job? coz the marketing job online is jus sales..not the real marketing..hope you'll share!
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