Got new snack from Meidi-ya!

Maple flavored Pretz! This is really good! Like SUPER! My fav snack now!

Waiting for the new launch at 9.30pm! (:

Here are some sneaks for you, who follow my blog (:

I saw this piece in baby blue over at MDS! Way overpriced.

This dress in another color is also for sale over at MDS! Seems like lolliepopbestie and MDS share the same supplier, there were a couple of similar items from the previous collection at MDS too!
Did a shoot for lolliepopbestie again! (: Their manufactured stuffies are really pretty and getting better and better!
If you are gonna ask what i'm getting/got, its the pastel orangey/pink halter dress, Chanel white dress and the hot pink dress!
If you are gonna ask what i'm getting/got, its the pastel orangey/pink halter dress, Chanel white dress and the hot pink dress!
Buy any 2 of our Manufactured Labels and receive Free Normal Postage.
Buy any 3 of our Manufactured Labels and receive Free Registered Postage.
Buy any 2 of our Manufactured Labels and receive Free Normal Postage.
Buy any 3 of our Manufactured Labels and receive Free Registered Postage.
. . .
A classmate tagged me in my secondary school Math teacher's facebook album.

He scanned the cards into an album "Memories" in his facebook account. Really heartwarming and sweet, though i dint even remember writing that! HEHE!
Email to for advertising rates (:
hi zoe!
may i know where you bought this pair of white heels from? ( the pink dress pic) and a few more pairs in your previous entries, all look simple and nice! normally where do you buy heels?
thanks in advance dear! :)
whats MDS?
Hi Zoe,
Just wondering do you know any reliable and good supplier/manufacturer? i would love to manufacture some pieces but i don't have any contacts. really appreciate if you could share.
Hey there! The white heels belong to the blogshop owner! (:
My heels are mostly from Fareast Plaza! They have really high and affordable heels! (:
MDS: Mdscollection? (: they have boutique at Haji lane as well!
Hey Mel, i don't have contacts for manufacturers (: Cause im not planning to set up a blogshop!
But i heard you have to make at least 100 pieces (or something) for each design. So you gotta have alot of capital or already an established blogshop! (:
Hi! Zoe...You had a great smile in every photo.
If i want you to be my model for my blogshop clothes.
How much does it cost? Issit by hourly?
Would mind if the shooting place is at my house.
my email
Do get back to you.
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