Had KFC and Kobayashi before the movie (:

After the movie, headed to Kinokuniya. Cause i wanted to get the book of the movie we just watched! Super lame eh!
But i always think that books are in depth and if the movie is good, the book gotta be breathtakingly awesome. Been ages since i read, so i think i should get started again! I remember when i was a kid (Primary school?), i would always get books. I had loads of Sweet Valley University books! I read Harry Potter books too. And i would get so addicted, i could finish one of JK Rowling's books in a day!

Phew! Finally completed the projects, had tons of mini pimples cause of the late nights and stress! Had Friday as a reward. HAHA!
But my skin is clearing up! I've started on a new moisturizer that keeps my skin hydrated so i won't have more blemishes!
So, Instead of:


I thought you might be interested to read up on the post on the 5 steps of facial care!

If you need more info on these 2 products, please click link below (:
The official website.
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