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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

Beauty Cleanse

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Been awhile since I had a juice cleanse but when I do, it is always Beauty Cleanse! if you followed me on snapchat (@zoeraymondtan), you would have seen my juices and some of the ingredients in each bottle!

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I know the right way is to only drink these juices for 3-5 days. But I do not have such discipline so instead I would have greens/ fruits for 1-2 meals, the rest would be the juices!

This was the first morning before I started on my first bottle! I really enjoyed every bottle, it didn't taste too bad like we would think green juices are. I like that every bottle had some sort of fruit like apple, pineapple. It made the juice so much yummier and easier to drink!

I am done with the 3 days of juices, I went to the toilet a few more times these days and boy! I really like these detox plans once every quarter! (:
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