This is a late post, goes all the way back to the start of Lunar New Year but I have the habit of blogging every new year, early or late so I can keep these memories in this space of mine and reminisce through the posts.
So my family like every year, have our Reunion dinners a day early so our Gugu Julie and her family can join us. What's reunion without every possible person around? (:
This year was at Ahgong and Ahma's place! This is the reunion dinner which we nearly couldn't have because Ahgong was so sick late last year. So I am very thankful that Ahgong braved through his aorta tear surgery. Every year together from now on is a reward, a blessing.

Watching tv with Ahgong while Ahma prepared our dinner :X

Popiah for dinner!! :D :D

Always so much fun to make your own dinner! :D

Yuxin and Zonia!

Mine! Loads of vegetables! (:

Pretty neat right? :D

Adults table!

Howe making a mess and Ahma helped him with the rolling! (:

Kids table!

with Zonia! (:

Zoe, Zonia with our dear Gugu!
The kids cousins!!
where's Zonia's grey dress from?
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