Spent last weekend to the fullest! We had a swim and barbecue for the first time at my condo! It's not just the girls first time at my condo for a bbq but also my own first time at the bbq pit!! Having lived at Metropolitan for almost 5 years now and oh boy! I havent been maximizing on the facilities!
Christine and her husband brought their 2 girls 2 hours earlier to have a dip first. Been so long since I met the 2Cs- Carrie and Cherie. The last time we met was at Zyan's First Birthday in July.

Christine and I with the 2 pretty girls!

Happy family shot! (:

Just us taking big C to the pool! Small C was scared and can't swim yet! (:

We have this huge dolphin because of AZ's great qi!!! (:

Coaxing them to get onto the Dolphin!

Christine made us all do this... fish looking face?

Supermodel Chris!!! Woots!!!

And a few shots of myself in the new bikini I just got from my recent Bangkok trip! Only 450 baht!! :D :D

:D :D
Couldn't have any eye makeup since we are going to get wet . Had to wear contact lens to not look too bare!
Went to wash up after about an hour plus when Mabs came to prepare for the BBQ!! (;

With Cherie!

I love them both equally much, unlike someone we all know. wahahaha! I didn't get a shot with big C because she was bathing at the time of the shots.

Hi Mabs!!
Thank you for driving all around Singapore to get us freshest seafood and groceries (minus the sour sweet potato!) !!

Mabs- the ambassador for... cheese! lolol!

Not forgetting the men at work while the ladies camwhored away...

Christine's R helping us to settle the prawns!!

Mabs's R helping to marinate the seafood!

Mabs washing the sour goguma lol!

Ahma's Curry Chicken!!
Thank you Ahma for making us yummiest curry chicken! Everyone loves it! (:

Another yummy omemade Bee Hoon c/o of the Mother! (:

Lovin the PINK NATION TOP from Bangkok which was just 120 baht!!
And the barbecue party officially begins!!!



more chicken wings!

Jing brought me a bag of clothes from Cherub Pudding!! I wore one of the tops immediately! It's the LOVE top from the Love Set on one of the newer launches. This Love top comes with a skirt and cost only S$18!! Where to get a top and a bottom today at just $18? That's 2 pieces that is even cheaper than the usual cost of 1 piece! (:

Me and the best friend!! (:

Jing and Denson with Christine's 2 girls because she is dying for a baby girl too hahaha!

TNS babes eating their hearts out!!

Yummy Satay!!

We have cup corn too!!

Food coma...

Mabs, Christine and Sheila!!! (:

The Love Top has studs too!!

Thanks Mabs for being in-charge of planning this BBQ!! (:
Last shot of the girls!!

I think you should photoshop the photo with you and your best friend. I think she zao geng at her shorts.
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