Went to the Nail Status with Rachell! We did our last set of nails together too! My nails grow super quickly, faster than most girls and that's why I prefer to do nails which is transparent at the top so when it grows out, it won't be too obvious! My last set of Hearts of Love was fully painted black, I have a love hate relationship with it! Hehehehe!
Didn't take many photos while my nails are being beautified because I was told not to move too much by Mabs cause the drawings are really delicate. Not just this time that I was told not to move, in fact at every session la. I must have worms in my butt cause I can never sit still. I get on their nerves sometimes but I want to tell them that I love them still and I'm sure they do too! Wahahahaha!! :D :D
Anyway, Mabs did an awesome job as always. I took a good half an hour deciding which nails to do. Mabs said I took so long because it's been a good long while since I chose my own design. I always leave it up to their good hands to which design to have. I know that they would always give me nothing but the best, the latest nail technology and designs. That's why, most of the time, I go there without an idea on what I want to do!!
Happy us with our new nails!! :D
Rachell had pink nails while mine were blue! When we sent it over to lapsupgirls group chat, Hayley thought that the pink was mine!! Mabs bth (Can't stand) me, cause the colors I do are always pink, purple and white. I proved her wrong by choosing a blue all by myself!! :D
Show you my pretty nails!!!
Sparkles in the Midnight Sky by The Nail Status
Gelish Manicure: $50/ $45 Student, Dry Gelish Manicure: $35/ $30 Student
Nail Art Drawing: $70
Members 15% off. Students and Aircrews 10% off for ala cart services (min. $10)
Far East Plaza, #04-69
Tel: (65) 68362005

Outfit of The Day
Hollyhoque Studded Denim Shorts
(Email hollyhoque@gmail.com for some last few pieces!!)
Eternity Loft Jolie Lapel Style Blazer

Mabs painstakingly drew each rose and flower on, added on some leaves! And that wasn't all that was done. She added some sparkle dust on the masterpiece to make it look dreamy. This design really reminds me of Aladdin when he takes Jasmine on his magic carpet and ride through the midnight blue skies with brightly lit stars, and that's why we called this design; Sparkles in the Midnight Sky! (:
You could always improvise by changing the colors of the base or even the colors of the flowers. You can also opt to have all 10 fingers with this flower design instead of having them mixed with the french coats! Just note that the pricing would differ slightly! (:

Outfit of The Day
Hollyhoque Studded Denim Shorts
(Email hollyhoque@gmail.com for some last few pieces!!)
Eternity Loft Jolie Lapel Style Blazer

Hi, can i know whats the brand of the contact lens that you're using in this post?
Thanks :)
are u still with alvin?
Hi Zoe can chk how much is the Chanel necklace you wearing?? Do you have the model no?
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