How do i look? It's my very first time participating in Halloween! I didn't want to go devilish. I can't bear to uglify myself just yet. Abacus sponsored our outfits! So I got a cape and devil horns headband from Number 1 costume shop which was scouted by the committee members. We all went there to choose our outfits.
Our party was at Pump Room, Clarke Quay on actual day- 31st October, Wednesday. It took us 4 months of planning to make this happen. Get locations, props, costumes and put our very own performances into place. We also invited Hendra to do the official photography for us, as usual for our corporate events. You can email him at, you may get a good rate if you quote my name teehee! :D
Close up shot of my makeup of the day and bat from Korea.
Our Abacus people!
Everyone was dressed teehee! We helped each other drew faces and added stickers like the one Veron has!
Steven looking like a damn scary Egyptian and Witch Veron with bat.
Prabu in a very sporty mask, Witch Didi and Coolo Faliq!
The event started at 630pm and guests came pouring in after their work.
My client, Gary from CTC Travel.
Cause it was a weekday and afraid no one will dress up, we prepared props from them. They were pretty cheap, about $800 for all props! (:

Cool shot with Elaine, Daphne, Cindy, Adam, Mei Chee and Marcus!
And okay, let's smile lolol!

Very sporting Chinese Bride played by Nur Azlyn from Malaysian Airlines!
Guest and Sponsor, Li Wen from Hertz! (:
Food is served!
And some pictures of the Abacus Crew! (:
ALL Halloweenish! (:
With Melvin
Mummy Ray and Freaky Egyptian Steven!
Some of our Guests and colleagues from Abacus International!
Sui Hunn with Dinesh in the green mask, Rohana and team from Hertz! (:
more guests choosing their props before entering!
Norman and very sporting guests from Ramesh Travel! ((:
And mememe, Melvin, Casilda and Ray took the stage for the first act for the night We got ready 3 songs to perform.

I had wanted to sing Chinese songs cause i think i'm better in them but Melvin said noooo cause we are in a English place boohoo. We had a talent time segment for the clients to participate, 3 out of 5 of them sang chinese tunes! ):
We are the PUMPkins! lol!
Melvin as Slash lol!
Anna taking the stage with Sui Hunn, our GM for long service award! (:
We had this surprise segment planned for Anna, so everyone in the company knew except for her! Anna has been in the company for 22 years, ever since Abacus started. Ever since I was born! (:
And soon later, is the 2nd performance by the Abacus team!
Elaine, Faliq, Cindy, Alison and Mei Chee!
A dance act. The boys and girls were so fluid and they practiced really hard to make the dance smooth. They danced to a series of K-Pop music, not easy!
I had Hendra videoed down the performances! Will share the link at the end of this post (:
And the song looked like it ended..... but it hasn't. The very popular song then went on the speakers.
Melvin, Marcus, Adam and I joined the dance team and we did the Gangnam Style!
Everyone loved it. It was soooo much fun! (:
We also had some games and I just had to post this picture of Nur Azlyn cause her makeup is soooo good!!!
Nur Azlyn with our emcee, Kevin O'hara!
During our discussion in our office, he said he will disturb everyone. Melvin said; Go on! And he did! HE's a professional emcee and he did really great in hyping up the party!
Our travel agents having fun!
Abacus Colleagues
My clients from Diners World Travel! (:

And my shot with them! though blurry but it's the only one so must post!!!!

And my shot with them! though blurry but it's the only one so must post!!!!
He's so popular that evening. Everyone wants a picture with him!
Farmosa clients, Yun and her girls (:
Our guest and sponsor from All Nippon Aiways, Mayumi Yuasa!
Mayumi Yuasa and Lusiana Chan from Pacific Arena!

Marthy taking the last performance

Best dressed with Ramesh Travel- he walked like this the whole night!
She was the biggest winner of the night with an air ticket to Japan, sponsored by ANA! ((:

Marthy taking the last performance

Best dressed with Ramesh Travel- he walked like this the whole night!
With Winnie from Diners! (:

Eric in a joker face painted by yours truly lol!

With Alison, Melvin and Adam!

The Abacus Team! (:
And party came to an end. Our agents didn't leave just that. Most of them took the centre-stage and my client from Travel Media, Franics, went on the stage with Melvin and I for a last time of Oppa Gangnam Style!

Show you how happening and gamed these clients were!

Eric in a joker face painted by yours truly lol!

With Alison, Melvin and Adam!

And a 2nd surprise of the night!!!!
Happy Birthday Linda!!!! ((:

Linda is the head of the Halloween Party committee, we have to thank her for the awesome party! (:
And 2 last shots are my favorites....

The Abacus Team! (:
As promised, a video of the singing and dance performances. I sang three songs. They were Sometimes When We Touch, Jar of Hearts- Duet with Ray and What are Words.
I was barely audible I'm sorry and I am far from perfect, please bear with me! But the dance performance was great, you must watch it! ((:
Great performance!!! Well done babe..
Your voice is great!
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