In my boss's house for Chu Er! (:
He invited us over and those who could made it, came and we had yu sheng and lunch together (:

I was the first one there so a lot of cam whoring pictures! lol. B drove me there and picked me up after that.

Went around and took some pictures of Norman's house lolol

Then came Marthy and Candy!
We were eating the char siew bao which norman said he made lol. True or not, we really dont know. HAHA

super yummy prawn cracker. this confirm can see is homemade hehe

Anna and Jasmine!

Steven and his wife! (:
Sui Hunn went to get yu sheng for us! (:
Had to wait quite awhile one!!

Steven's wife is really good at this. She knows what to say for all the ingredients!

Then it was lunch time! We were famished by then haha!

Norman's cooking! Slurps!
We love the potato balls best! ((:

Then some group pictures before some of them started to leave for their own "pai fang".

The last guest was Eugene! He made it in time! ((:
And he gave me a red packet too. lol!

Last picture with our bosses (:
Zoe, any cheap places to recommend for lunch in tanjong pagar district other than Maxwell food court?
where did you get your black ribbon watch from? :) so pretty!
Hi zoe just wondering did u remove your 4 wisdom tooth all at one go or two by two? And how much is your wisdom tooth surgery. :)
Hi Zoe, where did you get the watch and the hot pink dress?
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