It's November already...say hello to year end parties! :D
Besides nice party dresses, we can't forget the very important- makeup!
So today's posting is on makeup, from base to blusher to eye makeup.

It's very important to have a makeup base on before all other makeup products (:
You don't want the color pigments to hurt your skin.
After which, I move on to blusher! (:

MAC Peachykeen using Blusher Brush

Liquid Liner

Eye shadows and you will love this Nude on Nude Palette!

dollywink for more dramatic lashes! (:

i love earthy colors (:

I use this Bronzer to highlight my jaws and nose to create a more define face shape.

Last but not least, Lipstick in Vitamin shade!

love the sheer pink shade.

Makeup by Smoochiezz. Join fb page for updates/promos.

The products glide well and I was done in less than 20 minutes! ((:

Ztyle of The Day
Sheer Sleeve Toga SINful LBD: I Wear Sin
Promo: Click here to grab a SGD 12 worth of shopping voucher + free shipping.
Clutch: Hollyhoque
Heels: Marks and Spencer
If you are interested to be featured here, see here for testimonials from past advertisers and more information! (:


Earlier, i featured a black dress! Now, it's happier colors! (:

Wore the dress to work with a blazer on cause it's a backless dress lol! And here's this patisserie place to share located at Novena Square (:
Mama Patisserie.

The boy wanted to get some buns from this place cause of their unique, wide variety! (:

like what! Crawfish wasabi mayo and lobster curry!

poached pear choc bun and banana caramel choc bun!
Very interesting names and ingredients used! (:

Ztyle of The Day
Victoria V-Back Dress: The Perfect Runway
Promo: Quote ZoeRaymond10 in the discount voucher box for 10% off + free normal postage. Like fb page+ quote "Friends of Fb" for free gift.
Belts: Far East Plaza
Blazer: Eternity Loft
Bracelet: Can't remember
Watch: Omega

hi there zoe :) do you adopt sleeping early habits ? cos your skin is really flawless,and does sleeping late contributes to pimple growth ? :/ do you drink and club often too ? :O i've been suffering from tremendous breakouts for these past few mths and it's not healing :(
meet up jing more & post more photos of her! she is really pretty! omg so envy!
Hey may I know how much are the belt each?
I really like you and your blog. Love you :)
Hi Zoe, mind teaching step by step how u put on yr eye shadow. Thanks!
siewlingchaw said...
hi there zoe :) do you adopt sleeping early habits ? cos your skin is really flawless,and does sleeping late contributes to pimple growth ? :/ do you drink and club often too ? :O i've been suffering from tremendous breakouts for these past few mths and it's not healing :(
Hello! I sleep pretty early, usually by 11.30pm latest! Sometimes i sleep by 10.30pm even! lol! ((: I don't club and drink. Maybe once every few months!
Anonymous said...
meet up jing more & post more photos of her! she is really pretty! omg so envy!
HAHA! Just had lunchie with her today! ((:
Anonymous said...
Hey may I know how much are the belt each?
I really like you and your blog. Love you :)
Oh mannn I cant remember cause got them sometime back! ): And thank you! lol! Love you too! :D
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe, mind teaching step by step how u put on yr eye shadow. Thanks!
You can actually refer to "Posts worth reading"! I did some eyeshadow tutorials before! ((:
what brand of contact lens are you using and the brand? It looks so prettyyyy!
what are ur usual braces color?
to siewlingchaw :
i had a massive breakout and went to national skin care recently and the doctor's prescription was perfect! all my pimples are all gone now!
if you need more info, just email me at janthavenue@gmail.com
i really know how you feel!
Lol your eyeshadow isnt blended in well!
Anonymous said...
what are ur usual braces color?
Pink/ purple! ((:
Anonymous said...
Go wash your face! lol! (:
Anonymous said...
Lol your eyeshadow isnt blended in well!
lol okay! Come teach me how! (:
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