Just awhile ago, there were LOUD CRUMPLING SOUNDS FROM MY CONDO! Sounds like things falling but we can't see exactly where it came from. The whole family heard it and the HDB opposite had quite a few people coming out of their houses to see what sounds were that too! The sounds went on for about 20 seconds and silence.
#Pray for Japan...

Esther is gonna be in Aust for 2 years and she's still handling Sixntwelve so well with the help of her sister.

comfy work dress
There's another manufactured top in this launch! The piece I bet the students would love!
Mad comfy, comes in 4 basic colors!

I like how the royal purple and black lace falls together (:
I bet you do too! (:

I get so many questions on FS on where this item is, where that is. It's because their pieces are always sold out minutes within the launch and pictures removed once sold out! ): So be quick!
DIY-ed my toes just sometime back cause I didn't have time to head to Mabs! ):
Yunwen handed me some new Dolly Wink nail varnishes so I thought I would use them!
This is actually not my first DIY post! (:

many many colors!
Lets go!!!
Started with base coat!
Base is very important; just like our base makeup cause we don't want these nail colors to stain our nails!

just 1 layer
P/s: I hate my toes, i think they look fugly.
Cause I have so many bottles, i decided to go colorful! Teehee!
Cause I have so many bottles, i decided to go colorful! Teehee!

Oops to the stains!
Here's my Sally Hansen's nail varnish remover- also available at Watsons! I've been using this brand for ages cause it works wonders. lol! :D

Take out cotton buds so to zero in into those areas!

lololol i was squarting when i was cleaning the excess, that explains the shadow!
HEHE! All doneeee! (:
HEHE! All doneeee! (:

Last but no least, TOP COAT!
Just as important as step 1 cause you want it to shine! (:

Seche Vite's quick fast top coat!

This is the exact bottle that Mabs and most manicurists use!
Quick dry, forming a solid coating over the nail plate for a much more durable finish. Written on the packaging, Guaranteed not to yellow!
If you are a very DIY person like some of my busy friends, you would need such professional top coats that parlors use (:

fav is the green!
These are Dolly Wink's new products and are available at Watsons!
I like these bottles not just because it has fanciful bottles but also cause the colors are unique much! PASTELS! (:

with the paperbag high waist skirt- ultra nice combi!

with shorts for dress down days

seriously thinks that the tank top has a slimming effect lololol!

Wore Sheila's tank top on lazy Sunday! (:

Zonia and I! I'm still not even done dressing ): You could see I tucked my tank into my FBT shorts. omggzzzz!

with the paperbag high waist skirt- ultra nice combi!

with shorts for dress down days

seriously thinks that the tank top has a slimming effect lololol!

Sheila's shoot was after mine!
So we goofed around as hendra was getting her set up ready! Teeheeeee! (:

pwetty sheila!

One last picture of us goofing around!

sheila's mad
seche vite- dry fast top coat: the modaelite
paperbag high waist skirt in cream: hollyhoque
stripes knit tank top in gunmetal grey and pink: hollyhoque
paperbag high waist skirt in cream: hollyhoque
stripes knit tank top in gunmetal grey and pink: hollyhoque
If you are interested to be featured here, see here for testimonials from past advertisers and more information (:
u have pretty feet.<3 i think ur contact lens diameter is alittle too big ur eyes is so dark. but still v pretty =D
Hi Zoe, Any idea where did Sheila get her black pair of wedge in the photo?
How do u use linkwithin on ur blog?
Thanks, reply asap
hey zoe :)
Where did you buy your jeans shorts from?? I like it!
Thank you!
Hi zoe! can you tell me the bloglink of that post of u in the hollyhoque dusty purple knit sweater? i think it looks fabulous! wanna see if i can find sth similar. (:
hi zoe,
does sheila has a blog? has she ever done any tutorials on make up? here eye make up is awesome
Anonymous said...
u have pretty feet.<3 i think ur contact lens diameter is alittle too big ur eyes is so dark. but still v pretty =D
Anonymous said...
Hi Zoe, Any idea where did Sheila get her black pair of wedge in the photo?
Nope but not local definitely
! (:
Anonymous said...
How do u use linkwithin on ur blog?
Thanks, reply asap
I got help with it as well! (:
Vivien said...
hey zoe :)
Where did you buy your jeans shorts from?? I like it!
Thank you!
BKK! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi zoe! can you tell me the bloglink of that post of u in the hollyhoque dusty purple knit sweater? i think it looks fabulous! wanna see if i can find sth similar. (:
Here's the link dear!
Anonymous said...
hi zoe,
does sheila has a blog? has she ever done any tutorials on make up? here eye make up is awesome
Yes and no! (:
Sheila's too busy with Hollyhoque! (:
Hi zoe, where did you get your seche vite topcoat? :)
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