Having won the title of Freshkon Ambassador 2010,
I was involved in the NUYOU and Female magazine print shoot.
P/s: I promised to share if i won! Hee!
P/s: I promised to share if i won! Hee!
Recommended Lynette dear as well to do my makeup! So it's the 2 of us chirpy birds at the shoot!
Loads of pictures for keepsake! (:
We had to complete 2 looks that day!
Starting with the nude colors first!

earthy eyeshadows (:

Btw, i'm wearing Freshkon Alluring Eyes' new colors!

While they look at the PC to see if the photos are enough,
Lynette and I took some peektures together!! (:

new freshkon brochure with pictures of my eyes! (:

lynette adding colors to my cheeks

tidying my bun (:

After the blusher, we colored my lips! (:
Initially tried nude color but turned out pale in the pictures :(

After each application picture is taken, time for the complete look to be taken!

lynette changing my hairstyle

she uses lucido's wax!

they were saying this looks confident!

i like this!
My fringe was terrible after the wax and spray! Pictures are raw! So the photographer really have to DI the hair well!!
After look 1 was finally done, we had our food!
Famished!!! ):

lynette looking so cuteee!

After our burgers,
back to work for Look 2!!
Brighter colors to the eyes now! (:

i lovee the purple eyeshadow!

After makeup, Lynette tong my hair (:
Pretty curls!

And we are doneeee!!! (:

Cause of my braces, we couldn't do smiley shots, i had to keep my lips really tight so not to show any metal cubes! Not too tight that form crease lines as well. Applicators have to be held gently, not forgetting right eye contact!
Was a really tiring shoot! Fell sick the next day! ):
Meanwhile, new colors of Freshkon Alluring Eyes are available in stores!

Meanwhile, new colors of Freshkon Alluring Eyes are available in stores!

lashes doesn't fit! ):
Cant wait for October's issues! (:
must really compliment u! other bloggers always ask their readers to help them vote and they promised to share after winning. but after they win, they simply just ignored and forgot about it. unlike you, you kept your promise. I like! (:
how about sharing some of lens you've won to your readers!!?? that will be real nice!!!
hello sweety. which colour are u using? btw *thumbs up!
Anonymous said...
must really compliment u! other bloggers always ask their readers to help them vote and they promised to share after winning. but after they win, they simply just ignored and forgot about it. unlike you, you kept your promise. I like! (:
My pleasure! <3
Anonymous said...
how about sharing some of lens you've won to your readers!!?? that will be real nice!!!
Hey there! I have changed some of my sister and friends! (: There were 3 lucky winners that won about 2 pairs of lens! Were you a lucky voter? (:
Jasmine said...
hello sweety. which colour are u using? btw *thumbs up!
thanks jasmine! I wear Brown! (: Trying the grey soon!
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