Due to the privacy settings I cant see who shared the Charlie St. Cloud post! So email your name, contact no., email, age and screenshot of your fb wall with my post to charliestcloud@nuffnang.com!!!
After work on Monday, En came to visit on ! Yay!
Her first time to my place so brought her around! After unloading her load, first stop was the sky garden at my floor.

Changed out of my workdress, into a casual mini sun dress from Ladies Concept! (:

we are both in florals!! (:

After a tour around, we went home to invade my wardrobe and play with my new mini postcards!!! (:

good stuff!

So yes!! En and I had the funniest time playing with the new Postcards I got!

In this mini tin, there's 54 mini postcards of really cuteeeee characters and scenes!
I've got a few absolute faves like DOMO! The Tatty, Me to You bear and Puss!!!
We realized that there are so many ways for these cards!
Here's a few of the top few reasons on why we should buy more cards!!!

I would be a very happy girl if I were to receive 1 of these messages!

each card is only 18 cents!

P/s: I got another box of 54 cards themed; Eiffel tower, loads of great sceneries you will love if you're not a fan of cute toys!
Besides 3 boxes of lens and some mini postcards, En ended up bringing home a huge bag of clothes that night!!

postcards: http://www.bobodino.blogspot.com/
floral insert chiffon dress: http://ladiesconcept.livejournal.com/
If you are interested to be featured here, see here for testimonials from past advertisers and more information (:
what skincare products do you normally uses?
Because your skin looks really fair and healthy =D
Hi zoe,
I have fat thighs and flabby legs. hence,i rarely wear super short shorts and dresses. really envy girls that flaunt their pretty legs wearing shorts. :( do u noe of any way to reduce flabby legs?
hi! where did you bought those postcards from?
kacie said...
what skincare products do you normally uses?
Because your skin looks really fair and healthy =D
Hey there again! I use a user cleansing foam only! (: Its also due to the beauty mode of my camera that the pics appear more flawness than usual!
Anonymous said...
Hi zoe,
I have fat thighs and flabby legs. hence,i rarely wear super short shorts and dresses. really envy girls that flaunt their pretty legs wearing shorts. :( do u noe of any way to reduce flabby legs?
Hi there! Try cycling! Swimming is the best cause every part of the body is exercising as well! (:
Anonymous said...
hi! where did you bought those postcards from?
Credits are to the end of the post (:
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