I have a few more advertorials to post!!!!
But before i do that, i want to share that I've decided to have braces done at 20!
It might be a little late, it might be a little ugly (or very).
It might be painful, for i had to remove 4 wisdom tooth, and another 4 pre molars and 8 separators 1 week later, braces 1 week right after.
But!!! I cant wait for the end results 1.5 years later (:
Wish me luck!
Here's one picture for the curious you!

If you have decided to leave my blog for i've become Ugly Betty, i will be sad!!!! ):
Cause I will still bring you good posts (i hope they are to you), though now with silver metals stuck all over my smiles!!!
Ok. Still look cute and sweet :)
babe, cute top. where is it from? :)
hey zoe! don't worry u still look as sweet and pretty as ever! just be confident and smile! braces are just another form of fashion for the teeth if you think this way! can mix n match the rubber colours for any occasion of the month! :)
hey gal i have that ab. tote too! it's pretty, spacious and so convenient to bring along!
Hi, I think you look pretty without braces and you tooth look okay(: I myself wear braces and I kinda regret it as it will make my lips more puffy, and my friend also face the same problem. However, all the best(:
Oh my! It's really an absolute painful process for you. I had my braces on for nearly 5 years and manage to get rid of it when I was 16. Now, I just had 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 3 weeks ago and I can say, it is the most painful surgery I had ever done. Putting on braces is good and I guess after removing, you will look even prettier than before... =)
hey girl.. 20 is not late anyways. my fren did it at 23. so i think age doesnt matter. :) i've never tot your teeth needs correction coz it seems fine to me. :) but i heard wearing braces will slim down coz u wont snack so much. =D
heyy i've been thinking of putting on braces recently too and went youtube to look at the process and i kinda freaked out lol.. my teeth is fairly straight, almost like yours, so was it painful? and do u have to pluck any teeth to fit the braces? care to share the procedure? thanks ^^
Hello zoe! :) u still look cute and pretty! btw why didnt you put ceramic braces? it'll be the same ivory colour as your teeth, so people wont notice u're putting on braces unless they really look very closely. Btw, which orthodontist did u look for and how much are your braces? and what are the 8 separators u are referring to? so in total u have to remove how many teeth?
Hi babe , may i know where u get ur watch for the picture on the The Midnight Boulevard (; , the first picture !
your teeth looks v cute before. but all to best. u still look cute now and u will be prettier in future.
oh my! you already had beautiful set of teeth... why do braces!!!
Cheryl said...
Ok. Still look cute and sweet :)
♥Zoe Raymond: ahahahaha! See u next friday! (:
k said...
babe, cute top. where is it from? :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey! Im not sure! It belongs to Zonia! Haha! An old piece which she haven worn and didnt want!
Anonymous said...
hey zoe! don't worry u still look as sweet and pretty as ever! just be confident and smile! braces are just another form of fashion for the teeth if you think this way! can mix n match the rubber colours for any occasion of the month! :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Thats very very encouraging dear! (: Im trying to choose rubberbands that are as light as possible! Took purple that turned pink when stretched! So cant really see it! HEE!
Anonymous said...
hey gal i have that ab. tote too! it's pretty, spacious and so convenient to bring along!
♥Zoe Raymond: HEHE! Its very pretty! My first time using it cause my usual dressing doesnt compliment it! HEHE!
Chan Chaoying ♥ said...
Hi, I think you look pretty without braces and you tooth look okay(: I myself wear braces and I kinda regret it as it will make my lips more puffy, and my friend also face the same problem. However, all the best(:
♥Zoe Raymond: I dont have a nice set of teeth and it has been bothering me for ages! HEE! So thought why not get it done once and for all! Haha! And Zonia did hers too, she we are braced together! (:
Zonia and I dont have puffed up lips tho! And we haven regretted since! I think its very individual (:
I removed 8 teeth and had seperators, i couldnt wait for my braces to be up! Haha! Cause i went thru quite abit of pain to have braces up. I just cant give up half way!
Anonymous said...
Oh my! It's really an absolute painful process for you. I had my braces on for nearly 5 years and manage to get rid of it when I was 16. Now, I just had 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 3 weeks ago and I can say, it is the most painful surgery I had ever done. Putting on braces is good and I guess after removing, you will look even prettier than before... =)
♥Zoe Raymond: Oh gosh! 5 years is a long long time!!! Was there a jaw issue? Cause i had friends who put for ages cause of restructuring of jawlines.
Wisdom tooth!!! Did they shift your teeth? Thats the only disadvantage for bracing too young!
Liney said...
hey girl.. 20 is not late anyways. my fren did it at 23. so i think age doesnt matter. :) i've never tot your teeth needs correction coz it seems fine to me. :) but i heard wearing braces will slim down coz u wont snack so much. =D
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey Liney! I dont have a nice set of teeth! Actually i have quite crooked bottom row of teeth, just that thankfully it doesnt show when i smile! Haha!
I lost 2 KG at this period of time, ever since wisdom tooth extraction! Haha!
Anonymous said...
Hello zoe! :) u still look cute and pretty! btw why didnt you put ceramic braces? it'll be the same ivory colour as your teeth, so people wont notice u're putting on braces unless they really look very closely. Btw, which orthodontist did u look for and how much are your braces? and what are the 8 separators u are referring to? so in total u have to remove how many teeth?
♥Zoe Raymond: Aww! Thats very sweet to hear! HEHE! Ceremic is more expensive and the dentist said that it doesnt work as well as traditional metal braces! Ceremic is not entirely transparent actually, the metal line can still be seen, just no metal cubes!
I visited Toothangels, $3800! Removed 8 teeth over 2 weeks in all (: Separators are rubberband-likes you need to put in between teeth before braces (:
Anonymous said...
Hi babe , may i know where u get ur watch for the picture on the The Midnight Boulevard (; , the first picture !
♥Zoe Raymond: DKNY (:
melissa said...
heyy i've been thinking of putting on braces recently too and went youtube to look at the process and i kinda freaked out lol.. my teeth is fairly straight, almost like yours, so was it painful? and do u have to pluck any teeth to fit the braces? care to share the procedure? thanks ^^
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Melissa! i dont think my teeth's straight! I have bulged out front teeth! Haha!
I have to remove 8 teeth as mentioned in the post!
Anonymous said...
your teeth looks v cute before. but all to best. u still look cute now and u will be prettier in future.
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! thanks! (: Hopefully!
Anonymous said...
oh my! you already had beautiful set of teeth... why do braces!!!
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! No i dont have a beautiful set of teeth dear! (:
I have been procrastinating whether or not to have braces actually! Since Zonia is having hers done too, we went on together! (:
Hi Zoe, i've always thought that your teeth looks okay!! And was totally shocked when you said that you're putting on braces!
Do share about how it feels and definitely hope to see photos of you at the dental! HAH :)
I'm considering having braces or not too!
& You still look good with braces :D
Hey babe, welcome to the braces clan :) i'm wearing braces now too, should be removing in a few more weeks. Had mine for about 1.5 years already. Here are my two cents worth on braces:
1. Always rinse your mouth and use flossers to remove any food residues in between your brackets after EACH meal (THIS IS VERY IMPT)
2. During the first 1-2 weeks after your braces are up, you will experience aching and you will have difficulty brushing your teeth like you used to. What my doc has advised me was to brush lightly and use mouthwash. That would do the trick :)
3. Try to avoid food that might injured your gums such as biting ice (both your gums and teeth are very vulnerable during braces stage) Some people might even experience frequent gum bleeding.
4. Lastly, i personally feel that having braces is very cute and it gives a youthful look, so dont feel inferior about it and remember to SMILE always :D
Babygisela said...
Hi Zoe,still look very nice and pretty :)
I am on braces as well, order than you, should be done at 24 or 25 years old.
♥Zoe Raymond: HEHE! So many girls on braces!! You're on metal-ed one too? Do you use wax?
Charmaine Lee said...
Hi Zoe, i've always thought that your teeth looks okay!! And was totally shocked when you said that you're putting on braces!
Do share about how it feels and definitely hope to see photos of you at the dental! HAH :)
I'm considering having braces or not too!
& You still look good with braces :D
♥Zoe Raymond: awww! Thanks Charmaine! (: I dont have nice front teeth and actually my bottom row is not very nice too! (:
Cynthia said...
Hey babe, welcome to the braces clan :) i'm wearing braces now too, should be removing in a few more weeks. Had mine for about 1.5 years already. Here are my two cents worth on braces:
1. Always rinse your mouth and use flossers to remove any food residues in between your brackets after EACH meal (THIS IS VERY IMPT)
2. During the first 1-2 weeks after your braces are up, you will experience aching and you will have difficulty brushing your teeth like you used to. What my doc has advised me was to brush lightly and use mouthwash. That would do the trick :)
3. Try to avoid food that might injured your gums such as biting ice (both your gums and teeth are very vulnerable during braces stage) Some people might even experience frequent gum bleeding.
4. Lastly, i personally feel that having braces is very cute and it gives a youthful look, so dont feel inferior about it and remember to SMILE always :D
♥Zoe Raymond: BRAVO Cynthia! I cant wait for 1.5 yrs to be over! Haha! Thanks alot of the tips! Btw, do u use the wax too? I have been using it cause of ulcers! Wanna see if there's anywhere that sells cheaper! My dentist charges! ):
Babygisela said...
Hi Zoe, ya, on metal type.
Ya I use wax, but now no more.
I used little bit wax for my tiger teeth's metal, because it is a little bit "out" from the metal queue.
After around 4 months, get used to it, no use already.
Until now, I still bring along in my handphone porch, to stand by hehe :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Oh god!! I finished 1 whole box in 1 week! How much did u get urs for? Any idea where sells cheaper? hahahaha! My dentist charges $5 a box! Darn!
Babygisela said...
what? your dentist charge???I got it free from dentist .
they are not giving in box type, they give around 5 short rolls length around 5cm each, packed in plastic bag.
If you don't mind, I can take few pack for you :P
♥Zoe Raymond: Yaya! That! Small box with 5 rolls! Haha! Awww! That will be great! Is it convenient! Here's my msn: bbabyprincess@hotmail.com! (: Thanks dear!!!!
Nope I did not have any jaw issues but I can said that the doctor did a excellent job for my teeth. Even after the removal of wisdom teeth, my set of teeth is still straight as before. I'm already 23 and still during this 7 years after the removal, my teeth is still as straight as before. I did mine at SGH-National Dental Centre at a accumulated price of $4000 plus like this...
hi5. =D my bottom row of teeth is crooked too but as what u said, its not obvious in photos. =p
i've tot of wearing braces too but i doubt i can take e pain. cry like hell when i extract out a decay tooth with e help of 2 anesthetise jab. =D
e scary process and e pain to go thru makes me shiver. =x jia you oh. ;)
Hello there, i've braces on too for about 1 year. And my dentist dont charge for wax too! haha. Anyway, im on metal braces. But i've been using normal 'transparent' rubberbands all this while! Perhaps tt will make ur rubberbands look less obvious if thats what you want. In a few months time, you wont even feel a single bit of pain, no worries! :)
Ya I did use the wax. Had so many ulcers at the start. Oh dear mine was complimentary. I can give it to you if you want. I have a few unused ones at home. My dentist gave me so many :x
Anonymous said...
Nope I did not have any jaw issues but I can said that the doctor did a excellent job for my teeth. Even after the removal of wisdom teeth, my set of teeth is still straight as before. I'm already 23 and still during this 7 years after the removal, my teeth is still as straight as before. I did mine at SGH-National Dental Centre at a accumulated price of $4000 plus like this...
♥Zoe Raymond: About the same price! (: Mine's $3800 (: You must be loving your smile now! Yay!!! (:
Liney said...
hi5. =D my bottom row of teeth is crooked too but as what u said, its not obvious in photos. =p
i've tot of wearing braces too but i doubt i can take e pain. cry like hell when i extract out a decay tooth with e help of 2 anesthetise jab. =D
e scary process and e pain to go thru makes me shiver. =x jia you oh. ;)
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha Liney, no pain no gain! (: Better start early if you are keen on bracing! Cause the older you get, the tougher the roots are! Shifting might be tougher! (:
Anonymous said...
Hello there, i've braces on too for about 1 year. And my dentist dont charge for wax too! haha. Anyway, im on metal braces. But i've been using normal 'transparent' rubberbands all this while! Perhaps tt will make ur rubberbands look less obvious if thats what you want. In a few months time, you wont even feel a single bit of pain, no worries! :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello! Why is my dentist charging Zonia and i! I will be broke from buying the wax soon! Haha! Transparent will turn yellowish right after tea, curry and such? (: Thats why my friends who had braces recommended lighter shades like pink!
Cynthia said...
Ya I did use the wax. Had so many ulcers at the start. Oh dear mine was complimentary. I can give it to you if you want. I have a few unused ones at home. My dentist gave me so many :x
♥Zoe Raymond: Ahh! Please donate them to me Cynthia! I finish 1 box in less than 1 week! I had mine on the 20th and i already finished 5 strips! ):
My email is bbabyprincess@hotmail.com! HEHE! Really appreciate it! (:
Braces are cool. I loved it when I wore them for 2 years. Totally looked forward to going to the dentist (not 'cause of the tightening) but more 'cause of changing the rubberband colours! :D :D :D
P/S: Always rmbr to rinse after eating.
You still look pretty :)
hi zoe,
u still look pretty so keep smiling! :)
oh yah, if the progress is good, u might be able to remove the braces even before the 1.5 yrs are up. it happened in my case. really depends on how soon ur teeth shift and align themselves properly :)
Welcome to e braces family Zoe! 2 more days to my 1 yr anni!! Haha..
I'm removing my wisdom this Friday!!
hi babe, you still look cute. braces itself has a very unique touch to it when worn. some people think its god damn awful, but there are many who think they're cute too! so don't worry. what matters is the end result! and 20 is never too old, my mum is like 40ish and she put on braces too! she's in her late 40s now and she has beautiful teeth already. All the best, younger people have teeth that shift faster! so you will be done in no time!
Steffanie said...
Braces are cool. I loved it when I wore them for 2 years. Totally looked forward to going to the dentist (not 'cause of the tightening) but more 'cause of changing the rubberband colours! :D :D :D
P/S: Always rmbr to rinse after eating.
♥Zoe Raymond: Thanks Steffanie! (: Im trying to choose the lightest, least obvious rubberbands! Haha! Since i believe u have used most colors, which colors are? HEEH!
You still look pretty :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Thanks Huimin (: thats really sweet!
memoriesndreams said...
hi zoe,
u still look pretty so keep smiling! :)
oh yah, if the progress is good, u might be able to remove the braces even before the 1.5 yrs are up. it happened in my case. really depends on how soon ur teeth shift and align themselves properly :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Were u younger then? Awww! Im like so old already so doubt will complete earlier!
Leanne said...
Welcome to e braces family Zoe! 2 more days to my 1 yr anni!! Haha..
I'm removing my wisdom this Friday!!
♥Zoe Raymond: Yay Leanne! I cant wait for my turn! Hahahaha! (I just started and cant wait for them to be out!!)
Amaroidal said...
hi babe, you still look cute. braces itself has a very unique touch to it when worn. some people think its god damn awful, but there are many who think they're cute too! so don't worry. what matters is the end result! and 20 is never too old, my mum is like 40ish and she put on braces too! she's in her late 40s now and she has beautiful teeth already. All the best, younger people have teeth that shift faster! so you will be done in no time!
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Amaroidal! Your Mommy is one brave lady!!!! Bravo! Yea boy! Every braced girl is looking towards the future! (: Thanks dear!
Hey babe !
You still look pretty and sweet with your braces (:
Ask you something , is extraction painful ? I am going to have mine molar extract next week :(
Hi, may i know where u did ur braces and if u did for both jaws? Wanting to find sumwhr that do not cheap too expensive..
HEY! where did you get your braces done at and which doctor?
And how's the price like?
CAUSE IM GONNA PUT BRACES TOO! did it hurt? *shivers*
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