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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

1. Vanity Sweets 2. TianFenLan Bags!


Was talking to Vanessa online. And she told me this.

VANESSA` ☂ says:

ur blog is.. damaging.

Im wearing this out today, to school. What do you think of it! (:

I did some online shopping and got addicted to this place which brings some of my all-time favorite pieces!

These apparels are brought to you by;


Remember this bag? (:

I have been using this bag on the weekends for weeks already! Still serving me well! When i go shopping, i sling it across so i have both hands to browse through clothes racks or those sales baskets!!!! HEHE!

They have mailed me another new bag! Which i adore so much!

My first caramel bag!

Looking super pleased with my new baggy!!!

Theres a lock and key to the bag too!

And the nice owner sent me a pouch to keep my cosmetics as well! (:
My old one was dirty! ):

HEHE! See the star matches my stary bracelet! (:
I love blings!!!!

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