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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion


Have been wearing Sheila's items the past weeks!
The first flowery printed top is a manufactured piece from HH!

(Ah please, ignore those eye bags! First, i drink loads of water at nights. Second, I wake up at 7am every morning and sleep late every night these weeks!)

Cant wait for exams to be over, she wants to go shoppinggg with me! I have a hot date! HEHE! (: Sheila is superrrr friendly and she runs Holly Hoque. (Which im sure everyone knows by now!)
Do visit Holly Hoque for their frequent updates! So frequent that it makes me ponder if Sheila has personal time with her family and Jy!

Thumbs up, Sheila and Jy for sending emails and packing parcels! (:

Ah well, shopped for tibits with V for my mugging! OOH, i love snacking. And if i were to be gaining weight, it has to be by these junk!

V insisted on those Pocky. You guys should try the japanese crackers (in red). It's super yummy! You will never regret laying your hands on them. No wait, you WILL REGRET! Cause you can never stop when you have started! HEHE!

ALL on my study table NOW! And yes, i got some chocolates! Uncle got those white choco even before they were in Sg from the states. Now they have them here, you can get it from anywhere! My fav chocolates gotta be hazel nut and milk choco!

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