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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

Headed to Clove (Fareast plaza hairsalon) right after school today. For a rehearsal for a hair shoot which will be tomorrow. Stylists did the coloring and tried the various 'super kua zhang' hair styles.
Thought it will be real interesting. Cause i never tried something like this. Let alone for a salon's hair ad. HEHE! Zoe's excited.

Went for a light meal (OOPSY, Wont seem that light!) after 3 or 4hours at the salon?
Fareast Plaza. Self service stati0n restaurant!
Love the colors and look of the place. Eye catching ! (but business was bad. only had 2 couples!!!)
A sweet lady who was there to assist new patrons=)

everything is disposable. (which is so 'eco-unfriendly')

my company for the long hours at the salon.

i like this!!! yummmmmmmm! =)


Saw Casse and her bf at Ding tai feng when we went there for dinner. Congrats LAH! Its their 3rd year together. Super sweet=)

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envyme said...

Haha thanks!!

nice to see u after so long

do take care!~!~

