Hi! My name is Zoe and this is my second time on Nuffnang's featured blogger! Always an honor, thank you!
Time flies, the last time where I was, it was in 2012; that's 5 years back! There have been pretty a lot of changes in my life since the last. Then, was doing photoshoots and had recently began my career in my first job! Now, I am still in the same job but healthier. I had decided that I'm getting older and less trim so I took up yoga and have been a yoga fanatic since! Share with you more about yoga in a bit!
So I have been blogging since 2006... So you can roughly tell how old I am now. But I take it in my stride, the years gave me a lot of experience in life. Both good and bad.
I would say I still enjoy blogging just as much, though you can actually tell that micro-blogging via Instagram or Dayre are really popular now. I still stand by why I initially started blogging; my blog is my diary where I keep all things precious and beautiful, for me and you to go back to anytime in months or even years to come. There's no better way to keep these memories fresh!
So I went for my first yoga class with my sister Zonia, in May 2013. I have been addicted to it since. I use the hashtag #zoeyogaloving very regularly to monitor my progress!
In Nov 2013 when I first did my first split, I thought I did it but I actually haven't. I was sitting more on my thighs and my hips weren't squared enough. I had to have my hand there to balance myself.

Looking back at Feb 2014's Wheel Pose make me wonder how did I get into that posture in and out safely. I look unstable, looking at how my arms weren't above my shoulders! Through the years, my upper back became more open and my arms are more above my shoulders now.

Bakasana, Crow Pose, was the first arm balance I attempted and in Jan 2014. I remember how cool it was when I saw my seniors doing it in class. I practiced frequently and fell over and on my face many many times! Cause I couldn't engage my core well, my body weight were mainly on my arms, cause numerous nasty blue blacks on my arms!
I practice 4-5 hours a week at Pure Yoga and I only enjoy hot classes. I love a good sweaty time and friends ask "How do you find the motivation to practice for so many years now?" Definitely, there are days where I am lazy and find it tough to leave my bed. But really, the hardest thing is to get yourself on the mat. I pull myself up from bed, and when I flow, I feel energized and never once I regretted coming for class! It's that discipline and enthusiasm you have to find within yourself. Start by finding a sport you love!
The second question I get most would be "How do you find time to practice, I don't have time to exercise!" I used to say it a lot. But it's really just an excuse. I tell myself that 1 hour of workout a day only takes up 4% of my time a day! When the school's class schedule doesn't fit mine, I can self practice, I can go for a run or go to the gym.
This is the most challenging pose I have done! This is called Yoganidrasana!
I seen in once on a yogi Instagram and I screenshot it and told myself to try it one day! I actually screenshot MANY poses from the pros, and challenge myself! Maybe that's why I am still loving yoga after 4 years, I find new challenges for myself; I am always learning everyday, I can't finish mastering all the postures.
Definitely not easy especially whenever I go Instagram LIVE and 70% of the questions are about the wedding! Haha! My fiancé's family are private people and so we would like to keep it lower profile. But yes! Preparations are never the easiest. I've settled the key things like the hotel, photography, gowns, suit so I can take a breather for now... I think? Haha!
Alvin and I both believe to love, heal and forgive to maintain a healthy and strong relationship. We seldom quarrel these 5 years. Probably just a few, that our fingers can count. But each time we do quarrel, we become stronger and closer. All these only possible through communication.
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