For today's post, I would like to take you through one of my every day's schedule!
As I try to incorporate at least an hour of exercise in my daily regime, my day usually starts with an hour of yoga practice at 7AM at home or at my yoga school, Pure Yoga!
Self handstand practice before class!
And some stretching Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend, Upavistha Konasana!
Brought this amazing bottle out with me. Will share it's importance later!
And after my class...
I would read the papers while I cool myself down!
After about half an hour, I would hit the shower room!
I am a sucker for hot yoga which temperature ranged from 37-41 degrees! Therefore, my hour's practice is one of the times of the day where I would definitely perspire the most. On days where I start my day at Pure, I will bring my handy green bottle out with me. It is not bulky nor heavy, at just 250ml.
Using water or shower gel is not sufficient as the pH of the V is naturally acidic, hence a dedicated wash will be required!
After yoga, my full time Sales and Marketing job begins! A day-long of clients' meetings where I travel around a lot and at times it is really unbearable because of Singapore's humid weather! Usually by noon, I would be somewhat grumpy cause of the stickiness from perspiring! Can't imagine if I did not use my Lactacyd earlier in the morning after hot yoga!

Stole 10 minutes for a quick ootd in between appointments!

The day ended with dinner at Yhing Thai with my best friends! Always feel very thankful for a good dinner and great company after a long day!

With my best friends who are Lactacyd users too!
Such long days make it so important for us ladies to keep our V clean! It will assure us so much comfort and confidence!
From my schedule, I am sure you can tell which variant is my personal favorite! Lactacyd's All-Day Fresh stole my heart (of all 6 variants!) because it can help me stay fresh throughout the whole day! Lactacyd is very mild and can be used on a daily basis and whenever you want to feel fresh! All Lactacyd feminine washes contain natural milk essences assuring gentleness on our intimate areas! For Lactacyd All-Day Fresh, it is formulated with additional herbal essences to keep me fresh all day!

In Singapore, only 4 out of 10 women use a feminine wash. Some women would think, "I do not do sports therefore I do not perspire". Some may think "My current shower regime cleans me well enough.".
But, really? Is that enough?
Did you know that sweat is not only produced where we can see it, it is also produced in the V zone! Sweat produced there causes odour, thus it is not something we should ignore and not take proper care of!
There is a Lactacyd variant for different occasion in a women’s life!
From left to right
Lactacyd Revitalize is for a firmer looking skin around the V!
Lactacyd Feminine Hygiene is for extra care days!
Lactacyd Revitalize is for a firmer looking skin around the V!
Lactacyd Feminine Hygiene is for extra care days!
Lactacyd Soft and Silky is for smoother V for after grooming!
Lactacyd All-Day Fresh to keep V feeling fresher for longer!
Lactacyd White Intimate is for a fairer looking skin in just 4 weeks!
Lactacyd All-Day Fresh to keep V feeling fresher for longer!
Lactacyd White Intimate is for a fairer looking skin in just 4 weeks!
Lactacyd Cool & Fresh (not in photo) to keep you feeling fresh even after a workout!
As well as Lactacyd Cool and Fresh is to keep your V fresh even after a workout! Now ladies, here's your chance! You can now get your hands on some Lactacyd samples here!
As well as Lactacyd Cool and Fresh is to keep your V fresh even after a workout! Now ladies, here's your chance! You can now get your hands on some Lactacyd samples here!
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