Just spent a few hours shopping on SGshop! SGshop is the most reliable Singapore online shopping platform. All items sold on SGshop is directly sold by the suppliers so the very low price!
All you have to do is set up an account today and start carting out!!
And uploaded profile picture and updated personal details!
There are so many categories, all neatly organized based on Women's, Men's Clothing, Accessories, Shoes, Electronic Digital, Outdoor Sports, Baby Products and Housewares!!
The website also allows me to put in my shopping criteria like Seller Level and my budget!

We can now shop based on the budget we have for the month!

First item that caught my eye is this pink high sneakers shoes!
And I even found wedding gowns at as low as S$40?!

caps at as low as S$2?!

Here's a metallic blue sunglasses which cost just S$16.25!
I wanted to get some stuff for the family too, so I looked into the Housewares tab for some new bed linen and quilt covers. Must be the age that made me a little auntie :P
My parcel came really quickly, just a week after I have placed my order! So I bought 15 items for just S$100 on SGshop!! I got so many hats cause their hats category had so many cheap and good deals!!
Where can we get 15 items for S$100?!? So here's what I got!
Where can we get 15 items for S$100?!? So here's what I got!
Army cap- S$2.69!!!
This mesh baseball cap cost only S$5!
Ring with Bracelet set at just S$2.67!
Bangles set at S$2.50!!
So most of the items I got were below S$5! The nude colored beret was the cheapest, at S$1.98!! :D
After paying for my cart, I got frequent updates on the status of my parcel via SMS, which was really amazing!! I was notified regularly and even when one of my items was slightly faulty, I was notified by SMS to log into my account to decide if I wish to go ahead or cancel that particular order. And also, I didn't have to keep logging into my account to check for the statuses. The regular notifications tell me when I have to make my second delivery payment (there were 2 deliveries, 1 from warehouse to Singapore and to my residential address!) so to promptly receive my items! (:
Another reason why I like shopping on SGshop is the user-friendly website that allows me to shop on the go! The website is easier to navigate around, perfect! My daily trip to work takes about 40 minutes and now, I can surf SGshop while I am on my way to work! (:
After paying for my cart, I got frequent updates on the status of my parcel via SMS, which was really amazing!! I was notified regularly and even when one of my items was slightly faulty, I was notified by SMS to log into my account to decide if I wish to go ahead or cancel that particular order. And also, I didn't have to keep logging into my account to check for the statuses. The regular notifications tell me when I have to make my second delivery payment (there were 2 deliveries, 1 from warehouse to Singapore and to my residential address!) so to promptly receive my items! (:
Another reason why I like shopping on SGshop is the user-friendly website that allows me to shop on the go! The website is easier to navigate around, perfect! My daily trip to work takes about 40 minutes and now, I can surf SGshop while I am on my way to work! (:
Besides a user-friendly website, SGshop also assures...
- High Quality and Low Price
- Speed Guaranteed
- Free and Secure Inspection
- 14 hours Online service everday
- Taobao English version
- 5 different kinds of shipping method
- Free parcel combination
- 30 days of free retention period!
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