Sheila and I met up at Plaza Singapura to get Christine's Carrie's birthday present before we headed over.
The girl loves hello kitty so we were looking around for kitty stuffies for her!

hello carrie's mommy!

some of the other girls! (:
If you visit TNS, Christine is our manicurist! ((:

some of the other girls! (:

christine's 2 daughters.
Very obviously we can see the theme is Hello Kitty or Purple!

Notice qq! Christine's younger daughter.

cute cupcakes!

a picture with qq and carrie!

mabs the gan ma, passing carrie the cupcakes to give to the guests.

front camera is lousy )):

sheila showing off soe korean guys from 2am or sth! lol

mabs's top notch camwhore skills with her DSLR

a picture with qq and carrie!
Every picture of qq is with her fingers on her cheek! lololol! Whenever someone says, "qq, cute cute"! She will do that pose. haahahahaha!

mabs the gan ma, passing carrie the cupcakes to give to the guests.

Sheila and I with a cuppie each! (:

This is an epic picture! Carrie took a step away from me when we wanted to take a picture omg! And everyone saw that! hahahaha super shy! (:

then i pulled her close lol!

with mabs! (:

I like this picture of us! All of us doing qq's cute cute pose!

sheila showing off soe korean guys from 2am or sth! lol

mabs's top notch camwhore skills with her DSLR

i was in Eternity Loft's dress- unreleased! ((:

Christine sent me these pictures over whatsapp a few hours after i got home! Super happy to receive them ((:

Carrie with the present Sheila and I got her!

why sho cuteeeee! ((:

We got her a hello kitty sling bag and a pencil case for school and she loves it! See how happy! ((:

Hi! Can I know how much does your bracelet cost? It's from tiffany& co right? (: Would like to get one for a friend but it'll be so paiseh if I walk in and then exit later cause the price is too ex!:X
Where did Shelia got the white dress?
hi pretty babe!!
want to check with you, with your long nails, how do you manage to put & remove your contact lens??
thanks in advance, because i am new to wearing contact lens & i have long nails too ! :(
curious babe
where did u get the wedge that u wore to carrie b'dae?
Anonymous said...
Hi! Can I know how much does your bracelet cost? It's from tiffany& co right? (: Would like to get one for a friend but it'll be so paiseh if I walk in and then exit later cause the price is too ex!:X
I cant rem! Maybe 200-300? (:
Anonymous said...
Where did Shelia got the white dress?
Hollyhoque! (:
Anonymous said...
hi pretty babe!!
want to check with you, with your long nails, how do you manage to put & remove your contact lens??
thanks in advance, because i am new to wearing contact lens & i have long nails too ! :(
curious babe
I remove them normally leh! lol!
Anonymous said...
where did u get the wedge that u wore to carrie b'dae?
Do you know where to get the hello kitty cupcakes?
do u know where to get the hello kitty cupcakes?
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