Teehee! Camwhoring before I left for work! :D

Another way to wear this dress is as a toga top!
brought a pair of shorts out cause i want to wear it as a top after work lol! :D

Daddy help me take some pictures! Teehee!
I really like my new pair of heels I got over the weekend!

Ztyle of The Day
Structured Toga Shift Dress: KandE Collections
Promo: Quote Zoe Raymond for $1.50 off series under KE, enjoy items under AA exclusively for $20.
Remember, for quality and Pocket-savings-prices (clothing at $19.90, always shop at KandEcollections!
Note: If you have problems accessing, head to Apparelaffair.sg and email orders to kandecollections@gmail.com
Accessories: Tiffany and Co
Bag: Burberry
Heels: Marks and Spencer

Off to work! :D

peekture! :D
That's Daddy putting on his Mickey Crocs which I got for him for Fathers' Day me thinks! So cute!

Daddy help me take some pictures of my new dress! :D love the vibrant pastel colors!

in the mood for prettier hair so i had them curled hehe! :D

Ztyle of The Day
Colour Block Dress in Sweet Romance: Room 290
Bangle: Forever 21
Clutch: Hollyhoque
Heels: Charles and Keith

while waiting for mommy to be ready, took some picture with papa!

and a few more! :D

Hi can teach us how to maintain like ur glossy lips? As for me, after I applied e lip gloss and it tends to dry out after a few hours leaving the residue at the corner of e lip. Thanks!
you stay at City Square resident?
aww so sweet Zoe, you make me miss my father even more! :)
Zoe, I'm curious...don mind me asking,
Are your apparels sponsored or you bought them from the blogshops?
How I wish I can own so many clothes like you too :) and they are really nice and feminine.
u and ur daddy look so sweet :)
Yoz babe, what lens are you using? :)
Anonymous said...
Hi can teach us how to maintain like ur glossy lips? As for me, after I applied e lip gloss and it tends to dry out after a few hours leaving the residue at the corner of e lip. Thanks!
Hello! I like to lick my lips so i don't actually use gloss! Sorry!
Anonymous said...
you stay at City Square resident?
Metropolitan! :D
Anonymous said...
aww so sweet Zoe, you make me miss my father even more! :)
(: (:
Anonymous said...
Zoe, I'm curious...don mind me asking,
Are your apparels sponsored or you bought them from the blogshops?
How I wish I can own so many clothes like you too :) and they are really nice and feminine.
Sponsored (:
Anonymous said...
u and ur daddy look so sweet :)
Thanks hun! (:
Anonymous said...
Yoz babe, what lens are you using? :)
Got it overseas sorry cant rem! (:
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