On Christmas Day, which is also the first Christmas with an official boyfriend (:
B came over to pick me up.

dumped the eyeliner and falsies!
So was only a coat of mascara! I somewhat like it clean and fresh too! (:

The sly boy didn't get off the driver seat to help me load the luggage in the boot. He look his time to get out of the car and as I opened the boot, I saw this white box. Not suspecting anything,

lotions and minature!

I was really surprised cause this boy of mine is not exactly the most romantic guy on Earth so doing something like this, really meant something! We went up the car, and I whipped out my new camera to snap the box! He then handed me another giftbox! I've got 2 presents this Christmas! Mad awesome or what?

The best thing is this boy remembers what I mentioned I wanted to get. The past months I have been wanting to get a new camera (which he was kinda sad that I gotten myself already), Escada Moonsparkle perfume (which I also recently got), Chloe perfume AND Fancl collagen drink. He remembered (: *Skips happily!
He went on to tell me he shopped around Orchard on Christmas Eve, looking hard on what to get me! He paced around Isetan Scotts to Takashimaya, then to Wisma and back to Takashimaya! He spent 2 hours there! And where I was? At Tampines with my family for a friend's dinner. I remember feeling bad that the boy had to spend Christmas Eve without me, so i was constantly texting him to check. That's when he told me he was still in office blah! What a cheat!!!! When I said that, he told me, ya la! "I was busy looking for gifts and then lugging the gifts around with a log cake and you still keep texting me! No hands yet have to reply!" Teeheee! How much sweeter can he get?
Enough of Christmas gifts! I bet you girls had a great one too! (:
He picked me up to his place for Curry Mee! His Mama made lunch so we headed back, boy! I was famished! My family would usually skip breakfast on weekends. Lunch lunch lunch!!!

just a few strands of yellow mee and loads of beehoon!
Not a fan of yellow meeeee!! I think it kinda stinks! ):
We also had yummy log cake from sun moulin bakery @ isetan scotts!

one of the first few photos we took together at the brother's wedding!
After lunch, we played with Sean, the brother's new born! Tried coaxing the baby to sleep! And I didn't mention! The last time I managed to let the baby sleep soundly in my arms! How proud!!! (;

Monopoly time after lunch!!!! (:

boy reading the instructions!

i bought the first property of the game!
My boy is damn "zhuai", he kept commenting that he can smell victory when he was fining me for entering his properties! Super mean!!!! But when I sigh, he would say okay okay don't need pay! Nevermind no need go to jail! But I'm no sore loser!!! I lost gracefully! Teeheee!
When it was about 5 PM, we drove out for dinner with his parents! (:

Kelantan Kway Chap at Berseh Food Centre on Jalan Besar!

I ordered this while the rest enjoyed their turtle soup from Very Lucky! Had a small sip and it taste quite good. But all I could manage was that little sip! The thought of turtles and frogs still scare the wits out of me!

Drove the parents to OG Bugis while we headed to Sim Lim to get VGA and sound cable!
Now we can watch movies huge on our LCD tv instead of from the small laptop! Teehee! (:

Btw, I got myself a new camera! S95 by Canon! Mad loveeeeee!
Thanks to Mabel, I got it at a really affordable price! It's been a LONG TIME since I bought something for myself! (:

mabel dear got me the brown vintage casing foc, together with a 8g memory card as well!
And to those curious readers, i now have no more beauty mode so the pictures you see now and near future would be those of my flawed complexion! B says hack it, cause the shutter is now so much faster! No more laggy laggy and shaky pictures that I always had to force him to retake! (:
hi zoe,
where is the pink top that you wear from? its really nice
Hi, where did your friend bought the camera?
Hello! What you bought him for Christmas?
hi would like to knw where your fren bought the camera and how much is it ! Am looking for it but most of the places oos !
So sweet! HAHA:) Hmm, how much you spent on that cam? and and, is the fancl drink good? What is it for ? :D
Wait a minute, what do you mean by "first Christmas with official boyfriend" ?????
S95 is damn good!! I love the Nostalgic effect. Shutter speed is much faster than Samsung ones. Aiya, your skin alr so good use beauty mode or not still the same!!
how much you bought the camera for?
possible to check with your friend the price for the casing? im using s90 and have been looking for such casing for a long while!! thanks!
You look Orangey in this post's pics . Is it the camera ?
how much did you bought for the camera?
Oh god.. Think I read your blog too much! I dream of you and your bf! Haha.. Funny dream though. That it was Valentine's Day, the place seems like a void deck but also like a waiting area. I was going out with my bf for our VDay lunch, spotted Vincent sitting there, should be waiting for you. When we got back from our lunch, I saw you sitting there too but away from Vincent. Find it strange so went to tell you that Vincent is at the other side. Both of you said you didn't know each other already there! Then we chat on, you asked where I went and what my bf bought for me for VDay. Hahaha.. Crazy :)
Hi zoe i love how your skin looks, do you mind sharing what makeup (foundation, mascara) you use? Or did you already posted about this before? Thanks ~
hi dear, may i know where did u get ur pink top in this post? its soo nice!! if its not from any blogshop, mind selling to me? ;p chinh44@hotmail.com
Anonymous said...
Canon! (:
Anonymous said...
hi zoe,
where is the pink top that you wear from? its really nice
Anonymous said...
Hi, where did your friend bought the camera?
Her uncle works for Canon! (:
Anonymous said...
Hello! What you bought him for Christmas?
S$200 worth of clothes and accessories from BKK! LOL!
Anonymous said...
hi would like to knw where your fren bought the camera and how much is it ! Am looking for it but most of the places oos !
Canon direct, $500!
ING said...
So sweet! HAHA:) Hmm, how much you spent on that cam? and and, is the fancl drink good? What is it for ? :D
$500, Trying it out too! (:
Sylvie said...
S95 is damn good!! I love the Nostalgic effect. Shutter speed is much faster than Samsung ones. Aiya, your skin alr so good use beauty mode or not still the same!!
Teeheee! (:
Anonymous said...
possible to check with your friend the price for the casing? im using s90 and have been looking for such casing for a long while!! thanks!
Sorry but I think its staff benefit deal!
Jay said...
You look Orangey in this post's pics . Is it the camera ?
No idea! ):
Anonymous said...
Oh god.. Think I read your blog too much! I dream of you and your bf! Haha.. Funny dream though. That it was Valentine's Day, the place seems like a void deck but also like a waiting area. I was going out with my bf for our VDay lunch, spotted Vincent sitting there, should be waiting for you. When we got back from our lunch, I saw you sitting there too but away from Vincent. Find it strange so went to tell you that Vincent is at the other side. Both of you said you didn't know each other already there! Then we chat on, you asked where I went and what my bf bought for me for VDay. Hahaha.. Crazy :)
J said...
Hi zoe i love how your skin looks, do you mind sharing what makeup (foundation, mascara) you use? Or did you already posted about this before? Thanks ~
Hi J, I use only sunbase, mascara in this post. Beauty credit and heroine make's respectively!
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