Back dated post!
Had shoot far far away at CCK and B came to pick me after that! ♡♡♡
Had shoot far far away at CCK and B came to pick me after that! ♡♡♡

Some random pictures on our ride to Great World City!
New iphone cases for us! (:

blackiphone and the whiteiphone (:
I love Yoshinoya's beef bowl!

beef bowl!
I used to hate onions when i was younger but i've grown to be fond of them! I love the onions we get when we have satays! Zonia and I would ask for extra onions, in fact my whole family would!
I really one of the many embarrassing times when Mommy would bring 2 huge onions to Old Airport Road when we dine there and order Fat Man Satay! Ultimate shiokness with the satay paste!!!!

We caught a movie and we had some time before dinner time so we drove to Clarke Quay for a walk! (:
It's a really relaxing place to have a little stroll with your love one!

There's this very very comfy looking TCC there that we promised to ourselves to visit one of the coming saturdays! There are these hammocks that i would loveeeeee sitting in! Teeheee!!! (:
We walked around for about half an hour before driving towards my place for crabs.
Irvin Irvin Irvin!!!!
Needless to say anything.

And drove me home (:
hi zoe, reading yr blog everytime
with new updates/adventures really perks up my day ; ) and thks for providin links to blogsites which have really nice clothings that I didn't even know of. appreciated much ; ) cheers babe!
where is irvin located at? the crabs really looks superb!
Hello pretty ZOE! Can i know if Sheila has a blog?
hello zoe! what car does your bf drive? (:
does sheila pay you for adverts on your blog? just curious!
hi is that a agnes b tote bag? it came free with the magazine? :)
where u bought the blue tube dress in this post? =)
hi babe , can i know hw much u got ur agnes b tote bag ?? and is it in canvas material ?? with a free metal charm & a magazine right?
Hi Zoe!
Roughly how much is the meal at Irvins?
For the items that you ordered (:
Hi Babe,
Do u have any planning to put up a big sale in your house for us to shop in your condo?
Thank you:(
Anonymous said...
hi zoe, reading yr blog everytime
with new updates/adventures really perks up my day ; ) and thks for providin links to blogsites which have really nice clothings that I didn't even know of. appreciated much ; ) cheers babe!
AWW! Thank you dear! (: Very nice comment!
Anonymous said...
where is irvin located at? the crabs really looks superb!
Teeehe! Its at the road side, near Great world! (:
Anonymous said...
Hello pretty ZOE! Can i know if Sheila has a blog?
Yes she does! (: Sheilamansy.onsugar i think! (:
Anonymous said...
hello zoe! what car does your bf drive? (:
Vios! (:
Anonymous said...
does sheila pay you for adverts on your blog? just curious!
HAHA! She doesn't have to cause shes such a good friend to me! (:
Anonymous said...
hi is that a agnes b tote bag? it came free with the magazine? :)
Hey there! Im not sure cause bf got it from Japan! (:
Anonymous said...
where u bought the blue tube dress in this post? =)
Supre dear (: But sometime back alrady! :)
Ann Lee said...
hi babe , can i know hw much u got ur agnes b tote bag ?? and is it in canvas material ?? with a free metal charm & a magazine right?
Hey Ann! Im not sure cause bf got it from Japan! (: Its clothed though!
Eileen said...
Hi Zoe!
Roughly how much is the meal at Irvins?
For the items that you ordered (:
Hi dear! I think its about $100 for a family of 4!
Anonymous said...
Hi Babe,
Do u have any planning to put up a big sale in your house for us to shop in your condo?
Thank you:(
HAHA! My mom will kill me!
Doubt i will! My family doesnt have a vacant house anymore ):
wat is the shop name or road name? is it opposite great world city?
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