Remember the Steamboat Post where I promised i will blog on En's 21st birthday at Orchard Parade Hotel K Suite? Here is the post!!!! HEHEHE!

one of the many pictures taken that night (:
On my ride to the party (:

The theme is Superstar! So i went in a simple black from with some gems at the toga!
P/s: En warned me not to outshine. Hahahaha!

busy calling the girls!

The girls station!
En said this is the PURINK station! But ended up she had too many friends, ended up as a food station for everyone! (:

Qi and I (:

Went ahead to take photos of the surroundings! (:

very expensive balloons at the entrance (:

with diana!

a dining table for En's relatives
longggg sofa for the singers!

balloons just like my 21st birthday! teeeeheee!

reception where we have Polaroids taken for the guest book!

birthday girl skipping to us!
Now, more pictures of the Suite! (:

we had a pool table!

Wii game station

wore my super thick sweater! Freezingggg cold there!!!
Managed to catch En for some photo taking!!

looking like a real superstar! En just had her hair done at Von's!

We also took Polaroids for the guestbook! (:
Very nice book Done by En's sister!

We took individual photos with En, with princess films!!! (:
Still disappointed i didnt get my picture with the Ariel film! ):

Famished, we headed for the buffet!

fish and onions for me!

The rest of the girls came shortly,
and we had some songs! *So shy to sing!

First song was with En, we sang By2's Wo Zhi Dao.
Really niceeee song! But i havent memorised the lyrics and i cant read chinese very well!

En looking at me like she's saying "Zoe, your turn!"

superstar stands up to rock the room! Hahaha!

Cake cutting time!!! (:

group photos (:

fooling with the balloons!

Few more group photos to end this post! (:

Happy 21st En! (:
Hope you like the Polaroid camera and necklace!!! (:
Hope you like the Polaroid camera and necklace!!! (:
Gem Toga:
Black heels:
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Gem Toga:
Black heels:
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to for advertising rates (:
hey babe,
any idea how much it is to book such rooms?
Hi where you do get your sweater?
nice Polaroid you got for your friend. is so sweet. may i know the brand of it?? And any idea where i can get it?
where is the suite? How much is it?
It looks quite cool having so many facilities inside the suite.
Where did you get the pink Polaroid camera?
Hi babe, Wher do u get that toga dress?
hi babe, Wher did u get ur jacket?
Anonymous said...
hey babe,
any idea how much it is to book such rooms?
About 2K! ):
Anonymous said...
Hi where you do get your sweater?
Taiwan spree last year! (:
Jacqueline said...
nice Polaroid you got for your friend. is so sweet. may i know the brand of it?? And any idea where i can get it?
Hi Jac! A girlf got it from Jurong Point i think! Fujifilm brand?
Anonymous said...
where is the suite? How much is it?
It looks quite cool having so many facilities inside the suite.
Orchard Parade as mentioned! (: about 2k! Yeah boy, damn cool!!!
Anonymous said...
Where did you get the pink Polaroid camera?
Hi dear! A girlf got it from Jurong Point i think! Its brown btw! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi babe, Wher do u get that toga dress?
Credits at the end of the post dear! (:
Anonymous said...
hi babe, Wher did u get ur jacket?
Hey dear! Got it from a Taiwan spree last year! (:
Hi Dear,
i check out the orchard parade hotel website.. Are you aware what is the room/facilities that your gf book.?
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