Daddy's good friend's rice company celebrates their 20th Anniversary.
Song He.
We drove to Woodlands for their funfair held at the office!

guest book
We brought our cousins along as well (:

Upon arrival at the fun fair,
we were greeted by a great amount of activities all under 1 roof!!

Portrait cutting and cartoon drawings!

mommy had her arm drawn! teehee!

princess drawn on a lil girl!

The balloon man made me a flower (:

paper weight with names by the calligraphers and dough on sticks!!

there were a few inflated playgrounds as well!

lil cousins queuing for air brush tattoos!

my aunt had her arm airbrushed too!!

they hired lion dance troupe that won some national awards or something to perform stunts!

there were a few inflated playgrounds as well!

lil cousins queuing for air brush tattoos!

my aunt had her arm airbrushed too!!

A nice lady twisted wire and formed my name(:
She was reluctant in making Zoe Raymond cause she didn't have such a long wire!

I said Zoe is fine, but when i went back! She gave me this (:

they hired lion dance troupe that won some national awards or something to perform stunts!

There are so many booths, it was like visiting a hawker centre!!!

dessert store!!

and more stores that i didnt have time to cover!

clown on stilts handing kids lollipops!

Check out what we got on our table! (:
We had about 8 people, so we had more food than usual! Teehee!

fried kway tiao from Old airport road i heard!!!
The O loaw is really good!!!

chicken rice! teehee!

Dad getting beer for mommy!
I was quite surprised by the amount of fruits!

After food,
it was ice cream!!!

cute lil ice creams from icing thumb!!!

Everything at the funfair was free!
Uncle is a really generous man that he gave out alot of money as prizes for the staff lucky draw! (:
The best and biggest funfair ive visited till date! Teehee!
After the funfair, Daddy drove me for my photoshoot! 

Explains thicker makeup! HEHE!


Rouge Love Summer Basic in White:
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Hi zoe, did you go to a poly or Jc? if its poly what course? hah, interested to know. :)
Hi sweetie am curious what does ur dad and mum worked as? How about zonia? :)
hi was curious that u mention before that ur parent was strict with u in staying out late. But do envy ppl who can go out late/ stayover e.g clubbing etc ?? Just curious only
Hi zoe, may I know how much you get your agnes.b bag for your boyfriend? Intending to get one for mine too (: Thanks.
Prettie, may i know wat contact lens u're using?
Hi Zoe, may i know how tall are you?
Hi where did you get your ring? (:
Zoe is standing at 164cm. She gets her rings at F21! She went to SIM straight after O Levels! (: I hope I answered correctly! After reading your blog for 1.5 years! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi zoe, did you go to a poly or Jc? if its poly what course? hah, interested to know. :)
Sim diploma dear! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi sweetie am curious what does ur dad and mum worked as? How about zonia? :)
Daddy is in the shipping industry, Mommy is with ernst n young (: Zonia is studying at SIM!
Anonymous said...
hi was curious that u mention before that ur parent was strict with u in staying out late. But do envy ppl who can go out late/ stayover e.g clubbing etc ?? Just curious only
At times i do envy, but not cause of clubbing (: But cause i missed out on some of the best times with my girlfriends! but my girls are nice and patient people, so its never tougher than it can be! (:
Jamie said...
Hi zoe, may I know how much you get your agnes.b bag for your boyfriend? Intending to get one for mine too (: Thanks.
Hey Jamie, its about $600? I cant really rem alr! Haha!
Anonymous said...
Prettie, may i know wat contact lens u're using?
Dueba lens and Freshkon! (:
Winnie said...
Hi Zoe, may i know how tall are you
Hi winnie! Im short! Hahaha! About 162!
Anonymous said...
Hi where did you get your ring? (:
F21 dear! (:
Anonymous said...
Zoe is standing at 164cm. She gets her rings at F21! She went to SIM straight after O Levels! (: I hope I answered correctly! After reading your blog for 1.5 years! (:
Thanks dear! (: Hee! Thanks really sweet!
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