New bling blings!!! (:
Nails and the pens!
You will know where you can get them too! HEHE!
I will shareeeeeeee!!!

Off for yummy lunch at Balestier!
S lost a bet, so he treated lunch!
We ordered so much food!!!

pig trotters, some "hun teng"!

ba kut which i couldnt manage even 1!

Salted veg and you ji which S only ate 1 piece!!
Some TUTU KUEH when we were at Bedok.

only c o c o n u t for meee!

passion fruit red tea with jelly please!

Bling pen
black work dress (respectively):
Bling pen
black work dress (respectively):
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
If you are interested to be featured here, do drop an email to zoeraymond@live.com for advertising rates (:
Hi Babe, what brand will u recommend for lip care because i have badly peeling lip? U have a beautiful lip and pretty babe. Envy:)
Hi Babe,what will u recommend for peeling lip?
Thank you.
I finally tried PassionFruit GREEN tea.. its nice too, you should try!! HAHAHAHA!!
Hello girl! i think your spelled the url of http://www.serectshoppe.blogspot.com wrongly in your picture. oppps!
hey! ure w adecco doing marketing now?! (:
Anonymous said...
Hi Babe, what brand will u recommend for lip care because i have badly peeling lip? U have a beautiful lip and pretty babe. Envy:)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hmm! Vaseline? You can try Heavy Rotation's Lip concealer as well! (: Hides the lines!
Anonymous said...
Hi Babe,what will u recommend for peeling lip?
Thank you.
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello! You can try Vaseline? You can try Heavy Rotation's Lip concealer as well! (: Hides the lines!
En said...
I finally tried PassionFruit GREEN tea.. its nice too, you should try!! HAHAHAHA!!
♥Zoe Raymond: BUT i hate green tea remember! ): Cant wait for 29th En!!!
Anonymous said...
Hello girl! i think your spelled the url of http://www.serectshoppe.blogspot.com wrongly in your picture. oppps!
♥Zoe Raymond: oh shit! HEHE! My bad! Thanks dear! (: I should have been more careful!
Anonymous said...
hey! ure w adecco doing marketing now?! (:
♥Zoe Raymond: Haha! Starts with A too, but nope! (:
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