With the up and rising number of friends adopting BlackBerry recently,
I have been having the idea of getting a BlackBerry once my contract is up for renewal....
And now, I have ONE right in my arms!!!

BlackBerry Bold 9700 smartphone
Why BlackBerry?

1. Has their very own instant messaging feature!

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) that connects all BlackBerry users! Unlimited character length, share pictures/videos (snap and send out in real time), and chat with multiple contacts all at once!!
And the best thing about BBM is that its FREE!!!!! FOC!
So i know when my friends have received and read my messages!
2. Provides easy access to Facebook and Twitter!

Uploaded directly onto my FB page to share with friends- Real time!!!
My BlackBerry Bold 9700 Smartphone helps synch my contacts to Facebook and upload your photo straight!
And also for my Twitter!

3. View and Edit Attachments!

5. Obama uses it!!!!

SingTel with BlackBerry, now has a value plan just for Youths! Teehee! 

And the best thing about BBM is that its FREE!!!!! FOC!
sending a file in real time over via BBM!!
P/s: See the "R", it actually means Read and there is another "D" status which means Delivered! So i know when my friends have received and read my messages!
2. Provides easy access to Facebook and Twitter!

Uploading ...

My BlackBerry Bold 9700 Smartphone helps synch my contacts to Facebook and upload your photo straight!
And also for my Twitter!

Not forgetting the clear camera that took the picture for twitter!
Being able to be log onto my facebook anytime is really a marvelous thing! Just the other day, a good friend of mine was facing a bad time and being able to see her Fb status allowed me to lend a listening ear almost immediately! (:
Seriously! BlackBerry is no longer portrayed as a Businessmen Smart Phone. It’s user-friendliness to social networking sites make it a breeze to use.
Seriously! BlackBerry is no longer portrayed as a Businessmen Smart Phone. It’s user-friendliness to social networking sites make it a breeze to use.
3. View and Edit Attachments!

Word, Powerpoint, PDF, Excel or even GIF, PNG files can be accessed wirelessly!
Its so easy now cause I used to have to bring my bulky laptop around just to edit my presentations and projects! Now i can do it on the go! Especially when "inspirations" strike!!! I can just edit my work on the go, on the spot!
4. Unlimited personalising themes!
In terms of another fun youth element about BlackBerry is themes! With BlackBerry, you and I can download themes from App World and also from many other sites like to personalize the look of our BlackBerry! 1 theme for each mood of the day at no cost? Sounds too good to be true!!!
I went over to App World and saved down my favorite 2 Themes of the Day! (:

Its so easy now cause I used to have to bring my bulky laptop around just to edit my presentations and projects! Now i can do it on the go! Especially when "inspirations" strike!!! I can just edit my work on the go, on the spot!
4. Unlimited personalising themes!
In terms of another fun youth element about BlackBerry is themes! With BlackBerry, you and I can download themes from App World and also from many other sites like to personalize the look of our BlackBerry! 1 theme for each mood of the day at no cost? Sounds too good to be true!!!
I went over to App World and saved down my favorite 2 Themes of the Day! (:

5. Obama uses it!!!!

Obama uses BlackBerry to run his country better!
Zoe needs BlackBerry Bold 9700 Smartphone to get through the day, reading up some notes in the library for work!!!

I'm BBM-ingggg!!!!
With so many never ending things to do over the internet while on the go (I have not even brought in YouTube and GPS!! I seriously need GPS when im on the roads!), I'm sure you will be worrying about the handphone bill that your Dad never fails to slam on the table that day of every month!

Previously, BB users HAD to sign up for a Youth Plan and add on the data plan!
Now, Students and NSF can now enjoy the new Singtel Youth BlackBerry Flexi Plan- A 2 in 1 plan which offer bundled data and talktime! Yay!!!
THEN: Youth Plan ($25.68) + BlackBerry Internet Service ($24.90) = $50.58 with only 3GB data
NOW: BlackBerry Flexi Youth Plan = $48.00 with 15GB data!!!!
+ unlimited free SMS, 100 free outgoing minutes and free campus and camp calls!!!
You can also visit SingTel Youth Page if you are interested to find out more details!!! (:
did you pay any amount for the phone? or you just pay for the plan?
this is an awsome offer! too bad... i'm not a youth anymore :(
Hello, may I know where did you get your black high waist shorts from? Sorry I've always wanted to know. It is still available? It's really nice!
how much is the BB?
Do you know how much does the BlackBerry Bold 9700 smartphone cost? :)
Yeah babe! You definately got the right phone. Remember to update your phone often as it will helps to prolong the battery life. I'm also a blackberry user and I did not regret getting a Blackberry rather than an iPhone. Though iPhone seem cool and fun but however at the end of the day, the battery lifespan just died off faster than bb. My bb battery can last me up to 2 days plus. Amazing! Anyway, enjoy taking pics using the bb camera. It makes images looks good and realistic if you can take good images. =)
Yes alothought IPhone battery life sucks big time but I would still get an IPhone rather den a BB!
The BB outlook really don't attracts me. Is quite ugly for a phone I feel! And the acreen is rather small and the keypad are taking all the space. Just my opinion no offence!
Hope the upcomingIphone 4G will have better batterylife! :)
Hi Zoe,
I love black berry too!
where did you get the dress and belt from ? ( the last picture of you in the library).
wrong info... try using BBM when u are roaming overseas... the charges are damn exp! The application is free, just like any other instant messenging service.
braces really made your face looks too skinny to be nice. :(
Hi! You just bought your blackberry? Hee, cool! I got mine last year. Already have a student plan. The previous data plan. Now 15Gb is so much more. I always use my phone to view your blog when you update! You're good model blogger! Thankyou for sharing tips often!
unwindwhines said...
did you pay any amount for the phone? or you just pay for the plan?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi dear! Its an advertorial (: Just sign up this BlackBerry plan with Singtel~ (:
Fiona said...
this is an awsome offer! too bad... i'm not a youth anymore :(
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi fiona! (: Im 21 this year too ): double boohoos!
Lydia said...
Hello, may I know where did you get your black high waist shorts from? Sorry I've always wanted to know. It is still available? It's really nice!
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello Lydia! I got it from Metro Sale very long ago (:
Anonymous said...
how much is the BB?
♥Zoe Raymond: Hey dear! Sign up the BlackBerry Singtel Plan! (:
rachel said...
Do you know how much does the BlackBerry Bold 9700 smartphone cost? :)
♥Zoe Raymond: hey rachel! I think its $700+ w/o a plan! (: Better to sign up the BlackBerry n Singtel plan! (:
Anonymous said...
Yeah babe! You definately got the right phone. Remember to update your phone often as it will helps to prolong the battery life. I'm also a blackberry user and I did not regret getting a Blackberry rather than an iPhone. Though iPhone seem cool and fun but however at the end of the day, the battery lifespan just died off faster than bb. My bb battery can last me up to 2 days plus. Amazing! Anyway, enjoy taking pics using the bb camera. It makes images looks good and realistic if you can take good images. =)
♥Zoe Raymond: Its really stylish and professional! (: Its sleek too!
Lee Ann said...
Yes alothought IPhone battery life sucks big time but I would still get an IPhone rather den a BB!
The BB outlook really don't attracts me. Is quite ugly for a phone I feel! And the acreen is rather small and the keypad are taking all the space. Just my opinion no offence!
Hope the upcomingIphone 4G will have better batterylife! :)
♥Zoe Raymond: Hello Lee Ann, I beg to differ (:
Iphone is good, but a BlackBerry is not bad either (: BlackBerry have always been catered for professionals. Which explains the simple colors and design. Its also really sleek, and weighs less than an iphone (: A businessman would prefer BlackBerry for its core benefits. Likewise, others might like iphone (:
Keypad is taking up the space is cause its non touch screen and its smaller than an iphone? It has to be relative right? Haha!
Jayne said...
Hi Zoe,
I love black berry too!
where did you get the dress and belt from ? ( the last picture of you in the library).
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi Jayne, please refer to past post (: The belt belongs to my friend who was with me (:
Anonymous said...
wrong info... try using BBM when u are roaming overseas... the charges are damn exp! The application is free, just like any other instant messenging service.
♥Zoe Raymond: Duh? Every oveaseas online charge is expensive. did i have to say that? Haha!
Anonymous said...
braces really made your face looks too skinny to be nice. :(
♥Zoe Raymond: Just certain angles (: See the photoshoots, they are latest pictures (: HEHE
Your loyal reader said...
Hi! You just bought your blackberry? Hee, cool! I got mine last year. Already have a student plan. The previous data plan. Now 15Gb is so much more. I always use my phone to view your blog when you update! You're good model blogger! Thankyou for sharing tips often!
♥Zoe Raymond: Hi dear! Its an advertorial review post! ): So i haven got a BB! ): My plan is not up so i cant get a new phone! Boohoo~
And thanks for the compliment~ Haha~
Hey there, I own a Blackberry Bold 9700 too! I have a question though. I signed up for the Blackberry Flexi Youth Plan, but does it cover internet service (such as BBM), and does this plan support Facebook, Twitter or Windows Live Messenger app? My plan has been activated but my BBM can't seem to work! So I'm not sure :/
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