Ettusais Workshop was a hit!
There, we were enriched with makeup demos and makeup tips!
Zoe thinks she is quite good in doing makeup already. But she's wrong!
She doesn't know that there's a right way to apply her lipstick, how to apply moisturizers so as not to trigger wrinkles. There's was so much I don't know!
Ettusais arranged a workshop for the ten ambassadors, going through step by step on how we should go about doing our makeup. Super sweet ah! (:
That's not all, Ettusais' makeup professional, Jessica, would come to us one-by-one and tell us what we should use for our skin type. First class treatment!
Here comes the pictures to Workshop for Ambassadors!
Jessica 'working' on our supperrr demure model of the day, Sarah!

Our super attentive Ambassadors. All of them are like pros in their makeup already! But Jessica has sooo much more under her belt that we were not exposed to!
Regine and Grace, nude faced. WAHAHA! Check out Regine's muscles from Cheerleading!

The range of lip gloss and lipsticks!

Look at the eyeshadow palette with me!
Their mascaras good! I don't need falsies!

How not to have a picture with the fab makeup pro! (:
Sarah and i all doneee (:
Grace darling still with the hairband provided with Ettusais! WAHAHA!
She says it looks cool! Reminds me of Peggy dear!

Last picture gotta be with Jessica and Iris!
Ettusais workshop is a definite MUST GO! I have been to makeup workshops, and its usually just a demo. There's no hands on practices and no way there's one to one!
Here's your chance for hands on workshop!
Ettusais has decided to hold a workshop for our readers too!
All you would have to do is to purchase a $30 Ettusais voucher which is fully redeemable for Ettusais products at any of the counters within 2 weeks. AHH! You're right, that means that the workshop is practically FOC. Free of Charge. FREE FREE!
That's not all! Ettusais will be generously offering door gifts and light refreshments! This $30 is really going to be well spent! Freebies, redeemable Ettusais products and refreshments! And best of all, makeup class by a professional!
Ettusais has decided to make classes small so that there will be space for our Makeup professional to have time for each individual!
So, classes are really small, only 18-20 per class, so seats are very limited!
Here's the details;
Date: 14 March 2009
Time: 10.30am-12.30pm OR 3pm-5pm (2 Slots)
Venue: 1 Grange Road #12-01, Orchard Building.
Just opposite Cineleisure, next to Califonia Fitness!
Reservations: Purchase $30 fully redeemable for Ettusais products.
Call 67398675 or email to RSVP! (:
Happy Zoe with her bag of Ettusais products! (:
There, we were enriched with makeup demos and makeup tips!
Zoe thinks she is quite good in doing makeup already. But she's wrong!
She doesn't know that there's a right way to apply her lipstick, how to apply moisturizers so as not to trigger wrinkles. There's was so much I don't know!
Ettusais arranged a workshop for the ten ambassadors, going through step by step on how we should go about doing our makeup. Super sweet ah! (:
That's not all, Ettusais' makeup professional, Jessica, would come to us one-by-one and tell us what we should use for our skin type. First class treatment!
Here comes the pictures to Workshop for Ambassadors!
Jessica 'working' on our supperrr demure model of the day, Sarah!
She says it looks cool! Reminds me of Peggy dear!
Ettusais workshop is a definite MUST GO! I have been to makeup workshops, and its usually just a demo. There's no hands on practices and no way there's one to one!
Here's your chance for hands on workshop!
Ettusais has decided to hold a workshop for our readers too!
All you would have to do is to purchase a $30 Ettusais voucher which is fully redeemable for Ettusais products at any of the counters within 2 weeks. AHH! You're right, that means that the workshop is practically FOC. Free of Charge. FREE FREE!
That's not all! Ettusais will be generously offering door gifts and light refreshments! This $30 is really going to be well spent! Freebies, redeemable Ettusais products and refreshments! And best of all, makeup class by a professional!
Ettusais has decided to make classes small so that there will be space for our Makeup professional to have time for each individual!
So, classes are really small, only 18-20 per class, so seats are very limited!
Here's the details;
Date: 14 March 2009
Time: 10.30am-12.30pm OR 3pm-5pm (2 Slots)
Venue: 1 Grange Road #12-01, Orchard Building.
Just opposite Cineleisure, next to Califonia Fitness!
Reservations: Purchase $30 fully redeemable for Ettusais products.
Call 67398675 or email to RSVP! (:
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