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Zoe Raymond|Fitness & Yoga|Beauty & Fashion

Tiffany asked me a weird question over the MSN. She asked what kinda milk do i consume. So it made me think whats behind the question cause it was rather random.

So i said. I drink Meiji Fresh Milk. And this is the link she pasted for me!

Right smacked at the top of the page is.
Low-Fat Milk Causes Weight Gain; Full-Fat Milk Does Not.

So, im like WOW, really?

Well, heres the thing behind this;

A study that followed 12,829 children ages 9 to 14 years found that weight gain was associated with drinking reduced-fat milk but that drinking full-fat milk was not associated with weight gain. The study was published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, June 2005.

Farmers have known for decades that pigs fed whole milk stay lean and do not get fat; but pigs fed skimmed milk gain weight easily. Now we have scientific confirmation that this seeming paradox holds true for humans as well. The great increase in childhood obesity in this country has occurred during the period when parents have been counseled to give their children reduced-fat milk, and when schools have encouraged the consumption of skim and low-fat milk instead of whole milk.

With the new Child Nutrition Act, signed last June by President Bush, schools receiving federal school lunch funding are no longer even required to offer whole milk.
Butterfat in whole milk, particularly butterfat in milk from cows that graze outside on green pasture, provides unique nutrients that support thyroid function and help the body put on muscle rather than fat.
Something new to me. And you too? =)
Good day! Castings resumes tomorrow.

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